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Everything posted by PowderRiverCowboy

  1. During the surge he had a pulse , I was one of those that did back to back 15 month tours 35 days in between .
  2. No, sir I live close to a AF base, and to be honest anytime I have been screwed over by a vet they have always been AF including the one that stated to me " Your deployments aren't anything, I have had just as many I had 2 -30 day deployments to San Antonio ) yeah okay buddy 15 months in Afghanistan is just like your 30 days in San Antonio My distrust and dislike for the Air Farce is real .
  3. Washington National Guard , Good guy and I wanna say that even taken at Tal Afar which in 2007-8 wasnt the best place to be
  4. The exception is the Air Farce we mean those
  5. Hold my beer I will dig up the other National Guard Photo that made its rounds , Even funnier is that we escorted a couple of their convoys out of Tal Afar .
  6. That will piss off the HOA that dont allow boat parked in driveway
  7. Naw I am good and will pass on the baby squid. Does Coast Guard still have to be 6 ft tall ? You know incase boat sinks they can wade to shore ?
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