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Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

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Everything posted by Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

  1. Well you have been hanging around here a lot.
  2. I agree, but he says at his age, (68), he's too old to start over. But he's mostly happy with where he is. (She didn't used to be like this. Her Meds make her a bit nuts).
  3. I've got a friend who's wife is likely to give him crap when he brings home a new gun. (I'm trying to convince him that he "needs" a Ruger PCC in 9mm. It uses Glock magazines, of which he has plenty). She also HATES it when he gets his head shaved, and won't speak to him until it grows out an inch or more. I keep telling him to get the gun, then stop on the way home and get a haircut!
  4. "presented as theory in order to justify using it in educational settings" My point exactly. And your opinion is worth more to me than just about anybody elses facts.
  5. For once I must disagree with you, Blackwater. Critical Race is NOT a theory, it's a political agenda. They only call it a theory to try to mask the agenda.
  6. They can't charge more taxes for the things that need done.
  7. Most of the girls I knew didn't think much of me then.
  8. I don't think that it would in any way demonstrate how bad socialism is. They simply would think, or be told, that it was just an example of how people were taught back then. And they would be told that by their teachers who don't think that socialism is all that bad, it's just never been done the right way. With them in charge.
  9. We had another name for it that would get me suspended here.
  10. Dugway Proving Grounds is commonly thought to be such a place. https://utahstories.com/2012/10/dugway-myteries-revealed-the-new-area-51/
  11. The bird, absolutely. I've had them in my backyard in Tucson. The team? No idea. Here's one in a Mesquite tree.
  12. Lube oil, Semifluid, Automatic weapons is the correct military nomenclature, though individual soldiers might make up a name for something they don't know what it stands for. The government comes up with some fairly complicated names for simple things, though. For instance, an Interlocking slide fastener, is the official name for a ..... zipper.
  13. Technically, Cowboy Action can be a form of cosplay. Merriam-Webster defines cosplay as "the activity or practice of dressing up as a character from a work of fiction". So any of us dressing as a fictional character, and I'm including those of us that made up a character, my own Sgt. C.J. Sabre being such, are cosplaying. Most anybody dressing for a Renaissance Festival is cosplaying. Kids in costume on Halloween are cosplaying. When you were a little kid sitting in front of the TV shooting your cap gun with Gene, Hoppy, or Roy, you were cosplaying. I was too. Is it different that other forms? Maybe. But by definition, we are cosplaying. I'm good with that.
  14. When I was in it still was, (80s). But my experience was at our bases. I don't know how it it when one of our ships is docked at a foreign port. And it also probably depends on the ship, (Cruiser, Destroyer, Nuclear Aircraft Carrier, etc).
  15. Or, often as not, to prove that he is SERIOUS, whoever has the pistol racks the slide so that NOW he has a round in the chamber.
  16. Because then he just might get an answer and deprive us the fun of discussing it.
  17. That's because the USA is relatively low on emissions. Highest are probably China and India. Of course, the USA is PAYING for it, but...
  18. C'mon Pat, look at the head. It's obviously a Seahorse.
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