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Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

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Everything posted by Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

  1. Sorry, it was a '92. Vin Tanner (Eric Close) carries a Winchester Model 1892 "Mares Leg" Rifle as his weapon of choice in the series. (The Mare's Leg also was the weapon of choice for Steve McQueen in his TV Show Wanted: Dead or Alive, interesting since Eric Close plays the character Steve McQueen played in the original film.) Tanner's weapon has a large lever loop instead of the "D" lever. I always wondered if Zoe's Mares Leg in Firefly was the same one.
  2. Some years ago, while in Tombstone, I ran into a guy who had a Mississippi shotgun pistol. I don't remember what the original gun was, but to make it legal, it was chambered in .45 Colt. He used blanks in it.
  3. That's a honey of an answer. I suppose that it's the hive mind at work.
  4. John Wayne was an American patriot. He stood tall as an example for all Americans. Was he just a man? Sure. Was he flawed? Absolutely. But the characters he portrayed on the movie screen were an inspiration to at least two generations of people. Ball players are just that, players. Especially these days, kneeling instead of standing for the flag and country. When you root for The Duke, you are rooting for the Good Guy. Maybe some don't, but most of us here aspire to BE the Good Guy.
  5. If you like them, yes. believe it or not, there ARE people who don't like The Duke. The difference is that people don't paint their bodies to look like The Duke, or almost go into mourning when his movies are over. Nobody talks about what "we" did while watching a movie, or spends time in a bar yelling at the TV screen when he's on. Sports fans do. Don't get me wrong, if that's what people want to do they're free to do so. But at the end of the day, the sun will go down, and rise again the next morning whether "their" team won or lost.
  6. If he loses this time, (and you'll never convince that he lost last time), we might not HAVE elections next time.
  7. Well you certainly can't expect her to pay her OWN way!
  8. Publication of such by private entity would be legal because it's not being used as evidence in a Court of Law to try or convict anybody. If such information, true or not, weren't legal, the lamestream media wouldn't have anything to say.
  9. As opposed to the Navy proper where everything is half mast.
  10. Thank you Uncle Forty. We all know how much better we were under Trump's, (yes, I'm putting the name to it) administration than we are a mere four years later. When he was in Office, I felt that I could afford to retire, and did so. Now, my 401-K is to the point that if The Kackler gets into Office, I'm pretty sure that at 70 years old, I'm going to have to go back to work so that I can continue to pay my mortgage. The Kackler, just yesterday promised to try to make our once proud country into Venezuela with communist style price controls, picking a VP who has shown that he will run when the going gets tough, while PROMISING to take our guns so that we can't object to their reign. Meanwhile Trump took a bullet and showed the world what kind of a man he is by standing up and raising a fist in defiance while the blood was still running down the side of his head. I'll stand by a man like that over the alternative any time I can, even if he does make the occasional Faux Paux. The Kackler's entire word salad speeches are full of worse than this. We've all seen how much Trump respects the Military, just as we've seen how the Kackler holds them in contempt. Trump still has my undying support. The alternative is almost too terrible to contemplate. Mods, if this is too much, feel free to do what you must, but I stand by my words.
  11. He should be rewarded. And maybe given a shirt to wear.
  12. There's a couple on gunbroker, but they're not cheap.
  13. https://www.gunpartscorp.com/gun-manufacturer/smith-wesson/revolvers-sw/1917-sw
  14. And it's a "picher". In Georgia, a traffic light is a "red light".
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