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Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

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Everything posted by Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

  1. The way I heard it was Big Daddy, Junior and the Spook. But that was the 70s.
  2. Some of the reasons that Siri and Alexa will never be in my house. Try installing AdBlock or AdBlock Plus to your confuser. I have both and DON'T get ads.
  3. Sounds like the failed Amazon store. You were to go in, pick out your items, and when you exited, it would automatically charge your card. They tried it and it didn't work. And I don't get ads. I have AdBlock on my confuser, and I don't look at anything on my flip phone.
  4. Is this what you're looking for? $20 at Lowes. https://www.lowes.com/pd/Woods-180-Degree-Motion-Activated-Light-Socket-Control-White/5000375631
  5. I understand what you mean. I just figure it I'm going up against someone like that they're already going to have everything that they think they need. I doubt that anything I post here will enter into it. And like I said, this place is pretty much my entire social media presence.
  6. A lot of things posted here, (vehicle License Plate, carry guns) are seen by hundreds if not thousands every day when you're out in public. I don't worry about an "overzealous D.A." viewing anything I post here, because if I do something to attract their attention, they'll most likely be going through my life with a fine tooth sledgehammer anyway. If they present me with a Search Warrant, they'll be looking at my guns whether I post pictures of them here or not. Anybody local that might be watching already knows that I carry a gun, because I do so openly. They know when I'm home or not because they can see when my Jeep is here or not. Don't forget, we are all being surveilled every day whether we want to be or not. There are traffic cameras in a lot of places, maybe not to the extent that T.V. would have us believe, but they're there. Walk into any brick and mortar store, and they're watching you. Order anything online, they know where you're at, what you ordered, and what ELSE you've ordered. I don't Fake Book, Tic Tac, Twit, or any thing like that. What you see here is pretty much my social media presence. If I thought I was giving out too much info, I wouldn't. THEY'VE got it all anyway.
  7. Easy. Look in the upper right corner of your post. See the three dots? Click on them and select "edit". Highlight the pic you want to delete and hit "Backspace".
  8. I always figured that they told us that because they knew that the best times were to be had there and they didn't want us to run into the Officers acting like US.
  9. Another favorite. An Uberti, (I think) imported by Intercontinental Arms, which in the late 60s became Interarms. So this one has some age on it. I got it cheap at a pawn shop looking like it'd been a stunt gun in the movies. I stripped, sanded, and refinished the grips, cleaned up the gripframe, and cold blued the barrel and cylinder. When I do my part, it shoots one hole groups at 10 yards.
  10. I haven't got the chance to shoot the Buntline yet, but I like it. The other is an old favorite, my 625 in .45ACP.
  11. I've always wondered about the first guy to think "I'm gonna eat the thing that comes out of that chicken's butt."
  12. There's a bunch on ebay. https://www.ebay.com/itm/315526829827?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D270395%2C267275%26meid%3D105a2caac6bd4edfa3c0cd2cd39dfcc4%26pid%3D101506%26rk%3D5%26rkt%3D10%26sd%3D126395871294%26itm%3D315526829827%26pmt%3D0%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D4481478%26algv%3DDefaultOrganicWebWithV11WebTrimmedV3VisualRankerWithKnnV3AndUltBRecall%26brand%3DPietta&_trksid=p4481478.c101506.m1851
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