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Everything posted by DocWard

  1. Not generally the news one wants to see, ever, but particularly first thing in the morning. I didn't know him personally, but from his posts and our interactions here, he was someone I respected, and I would've enjoyed shooting with. To those who were close to him, my deepest condolences.
  2. I have no idea, but there is a serious dearth of pictures in your post.
  3. Now Bob, I see a number of nice things in that picture. For some reason though, you chose to put a broken wine glass in the way and focus on it.
  4. Two that always stick in my mind are: Once the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is no longer our friend. Incoming fire has the right of way.
  5. And here I thought from the title that this would be a thread about Saloonatics.
  6. On Reagan's humor. If only things could be like this today.
  7. Nah, just go with 100. That way I don't have a box of 45 .22LR cartridges laying around.
  8. Having earned my black belt, that truly hits home.
  9. I read the article many years back, when I was working behind a gun counter myself. I believe it should be required reading for all gun store personnel, and maybe posted on the door of every gun range, along with the reminder "We Were ALL Beginners Once." I lost track of the times a guy came in with a female, whether wife, girlfriend, sister or mom, to buy a pistol ostensibly for her protection and use. He then proceeded to recommend exactly what he would use, or he wanted, which was clearly impractical for her, and often outside her budget. Like others here, I managed to make a few of them quite angry. I also sold a few far more reasonable firearms.
  10. Itโ€™s only a matter of time though.
  11. It's interesting, when we woke up, my wife and I commented on the same lack of noise. When I called my brother over in Columbus, he had the same observation.
  12. I have a couple of full size umbrellas. One in my office, and one here at home, just in case I'm caught unaware. Otherwise, I have variety of rain jackets, coats, and otherwise water repellent garments. If I do get caught without either, I refuse to run. I always remember the old adage: It doesn't rain in the Army. It rains ON the Army.
  13. And a Happy New Year to you, Sir.
  14. A Safe, Healthy and Happy New Year to everyone!
  15. I ran across this one of our Border Collie, Piper, who has since passed, keeping watch over the newborn kitten that my daughter brought home after he appeared to be abandoned by his mother. He still had his umbilical attached when he came home, and we were told he likely wouldn't survive. He did, his name is Fred. Piper was very concerned and protective, often laying close to the tub we had him in.
  16. It doesn't appear I ever answered this question. I always think of navy blue being very dark, while 'Devil Dog' is a deep blue, close to the blue of the Blue Angels.
  17. Just sitting here watching and listening to music videos on YouTube (Yes, I do miss the MTV of old!), and came across this. What amazing talent.
  18. One of a number of MoH recipients from the 37th Division in WWII. Not bad for the National Guard. Interesting note: The transport in Robert Heinlein's book, Starship Troopers was named the Rodger Young.
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