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Abilene Slim SASS 81783

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Everything posted by Abilene Slim SASS 81783

  1. I don’t get it. Is that supposed to be a mashup of Pelosi and Kevin McCarthy? Or is it portraying McCarthy as a “Karen”?
  2. That’s a good place to stop…
  3. Cool script inside the ladder well, which I’m pretty sure says “Clarior Hinc Honos”. (“Hence the brighter honour”)
  4. I hope those are chains and not bungee cords…
  5. Scroll up to UB’s post
  6. “Hedley Lamar…why he’s killed more men than Cecil B. Demille!” —The Waco Kid
  7. It’s a car thermostat. It sits where the radiator hose mounts to the engine.
  8. Surprised that one doesn’t have antlers.
  9. Looks like the first time I worked on my ‘92 Rossi…
  10. Pretty certain that’s a New York City subway where that sort of thing isn’t at all unusual.
  11. That's gonna leave a mark!
  12. I don’t know who this is.
  13. Men in Black. I thoroughly enjoyed it. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0119654/
  14. Yup! But I’m not a rancher…
  15. Wait, what? Spock put the Vulcan clamp on Dr. Smith? I don’t recall that.
  16. You mean it might not be real?
  17. Many had elaborate organs that rose up from the floor in front of the screen/stage. I saw those at the Fox Theatre in St. Louis and Radio City Music Hall back in the 60’s and 70’s. For years, they put on a short historical performance after the main feature- Dirty Harry, The Sunshine Boys, etc. Don’t know if they’ve kept them operable since then.
  18. I just now got that. Because Joe posted it, I thought the image and gag were linked to a film!
  19. And the white “king” is on a black square.
  20. That's cuz the '21 photo was heavily Photoshopped.... and poorly done at that.
  21. I’m a little slow sometimes - ok, a lot. I don’t get it. Can someone please explain?
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