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Everything posted by Alpo

  1. Do they use a lot of stitches to make a smaller scar? Valley of the Horses. The second of the Cave Bear books. Jondelar gets mauled by a lion. While they are not specific, I've always visualized that he was sliced from his hip to his knee. Ayla is trying to hold the muscle together by wrapping it in bandages, but the wound is too big. She can't keep it closed. So she invented stitching. And she put four stitches in him. And then she wrapped the wound in her bandage. And apparently the four stitches were enough to hold the muscle closed enough that the dressing could hold it closed tight enough to grow back together. If she put a stitch about every inch and a half or two inches down his thigh, that might work, but it would leave an awful ugly scar. In Roadhouse, Patrick Swayze got cut, and the cut look like it was about 2 to 2 and 1/2 inches long, and he sewed himself up, but I think he put in six or seven stitches in that two and a half inches. Much smaller scar. Second question. No fee for removing the stitches. That's what the vet told me. Now in reality they figured the fee for removing the stitches into the fee for putting them in - "we're going to charge $20 for sewing up the dog and another 10 to take the stitches out so tell the customer that the bill is $30, but there's no fee for removing the stitches". They might not think of it that way but that's what it is. But do they tell you there's no fee for removing them so that you will actually come back to have them removed? We were given a dog. Corky was two or three years old. Springer spaniel, or he had a lot of Springer in him. And I could tell that he had been neutered. A large dog that old that ain't got no nuts is kind of obvious. Walked into the dining room one day and he's standing on the table eating my supper. It was time for him to belong to somebody else. So we gave him away. And a couple of weeks after we gave him away the people we gave him to called us and informed us, kind of shocked, that he still had his stitches. I didn't know that. I don't make it a habit of examining the genitals of my dogs. But apparently whoever had him and had him fixed never took him back. And that had to have been at least two years previously. I bet they were fun to remove. Fun for the vet, and really fun for Corky. But why would they not take him back? Probably because they didn't want to pay a vet fee to have them removed.
  2. In SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHERIFF they have a scene taking place in the kitchen. The woman is making bread, and behind her the stove is heating up. One of the round things on the top - I don't know what they're called - has been removed and flame is coming out of the hole. This allows her to accidentally back up against it and set her dress on fire. Here you can see the flame behind her by the coffee pot. And a closer view. Now my question is, if you're firing up one of them wood stoves, do you need to take the round thing off the top? Would that be required to get enough air in for a good combustion, or is this just a bit of Hollywood business so they can have her dress catch fire?
  3. I gotta disagree with you there. If you are in the business of buying and selling something to make money, you are a dealer. There are a lot of people that buy guns cheaply and sell them at gun shows. They are dealers. They are not licensed dealers - they do not have a federal firearms license. But they are still dealers.
  4. Remember how "Boss" put the whoop on Merlin, by making the sun go out, in A Connecticut Yankee?
  5. I know my ears have gone bad. That second one sounded like he was saying Lean-gun berry But the first one sounded like Ling-mun berry And I just could not figure where the hell he was getting the M at.
  6. First tooth I recall losing. I was four. Eating a caramel, and it pulled the tooth out. And little 4-year-old me thought there was a rock in my candy, and spit it out. A little later I discovered the missing tooth and went looking for it, but was unable to find it. Explained the problem to my father. Fortunately one of my other teeth was loose, so he put a thread around it and pulled it. I now had two missing teeth, but at least I had something to put out for the tooth fairy.
  7. That would be nice. Back in the late 80s there was a television show called Alien Nation. A spaceship crashed in the Mojave desert. It had, as they phrased it, "250,000 souls aboard". These aliens were eventually dubbed "newcomers", and they pretty much all stayed in the Los Angeles area. Wouldn't it be nice if we only had 250,000 illegal aliens, and they all stayed in the Los Angeles area.
  8. Was wondering that myself. The colors in every letter are red green and blue. Front license plates I have seen on a lot of black people's cars say something about Africa and the colors red green and blue. So I figured it had something to do with Africa.
  9. Only thing I'm absolutely sure about is it is less than 10,000. Because at 10,000 the bell rings.
  10. Normally I wouldn't care what she did. But I just happened to see the headline. She and her group blocked a road in the Netherlands. And the cops arrested her along with a few other protesters. Then they let her go. And she rejoined the road blockage. And they arrested her again. https://amp.dw.com/en/climate-activist-greta-thunberg-arrested-in-the-netherlands/a-68757799
  11. There is a series of girls' books. The lady wrote the series for at least 30 years. The series takes place in a British boarding school for girls. The Chalet School. This particular book is called A CHALET GIRL FROM KENYA. Published in 1955. When I saw the title, I thought they were going to have a black girl in the school. Bring a black girl into a lily-white English boarding school. That might be interesting. But that's not what was going on. A British girl's family lived in British East Africa, and with the Mau Mau uprising, thought it would be best to get their daughter out of the country, so they sent her to the boarding school. They had a similar confusion on a Disney movie. It was called The Color of Friendship. A black family in (if memory serves) Washington DC is going to host an exchange student from Africa. They naturally think they're going to get a black kid. And they get this pretty little white girl from South Africa.
  12. I first heard of this berry a few years ago. I read of it, and then they spoke of it offhandedly on a Castle episode. Castle pronounced it with a hard G - like gun. Then the other day I heard someone on a YouTube video mention it, and he pronounced it with a soft G - like gym. The all-knowing internet tells me all about it. Everything I could ever want to know about the lingenberry. Except how it is pronounced. Is it an EE-ther/EYE-ther situation - both pronunciations are correct? And if only one of them is correct, which one?
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