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Phantom, SASS #54973

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Everything posted by Phantom, SASS #54973

  1. I'd shoot that! But boy would the Black Powder GF'ers be pissed. 😜 Phantom
  2. 32 Open categories and 20 Lady's categories... Tell us how you'd break down the categories. Phantom
  3. Or talk to them about...shooting...??? Phantom
  4. You'll screw up...just don't kill anyone. That's about all you need to do on your first match. Phantom
  5. Pistols...or Revolvers? Yes, the Wranglers are SAO Revolvers with a loading gate. Phantom
  6. Really? Like Griff said...in addition, going with a "Cowboy" gunsmith might not be the best way. Phantom
  7. I think you're mistaking Caliber with Cartridge... But, I think the Handbook is pretty easy for folks to interpret... Phantom
  8. Nice looking leather...not "great" for the competition side of the game...but if that's not important, who cares 😉 Phantom
  9. TO does not need to see the "P". Phantom
  10. Actually, it is wrong. Thanks for cheating out the rest of the shooters. Phantom
  11. Wrong. There is no "should have two" any more than you should have 3. Phantom
  12. "Next shooter"... Such dismissive responses show that many don't see CAS as a true competition. Phantom
  13. I'm not saying that he/she should stop shooting. You know as well as anyone that crazy stuff has all but been eliminated at large championship type matches. I'm just leaning towards advocating that if a target fails in any way that the shooter must reshoot. This is the only way to keep a match from being nothing more that a dress-up event that has some irrelevant shooting mixed in. Phantom
  14. At Championship level matches...all prop / target failures are reshoots. How else do you keep a competition consistent? No need to respond...I'm not into your mocking. Phantom
  15. Okay...just confused as your post made reference to PWB's post...had to do with Prop Failures so I thought your comment had something to do with Prop Failures. You even specifically said "Once again this is an example of Timer Operators not knowing the job.". So...yeah...I'm confused. Phantom
  16. Can you elaborate on this answer? Phantom
  17. Obviously one needs extra...but defining extra is rather hard to do. If someone want to only bring the "exact" amount of ammo that they will need to shoot a match...they better have a nice little crystal ball. And seriously, why do you take up half a page with your "list" of achievements????? Phantom
  18. You can only answer base on usage. Basically 10 rounds of rifle, 10 rounds of pistol and 4 SG per stage. Multiply by how many stages the club shoots...this is why you can't use the above mentioned 60/60/25 number. Some clubs shoot less than 6 and some shoot more. Phantom
  19. About the fastest reaction time to for a human is around 100 milliseconds. So... Phantom
  20. What's the mean time between failures on that SG? As Larsen as said...so I agree. I'm done. Last thing: You are terribly irresponsible. Phantom
  21. Please take into consideration those around you that have no idea how crazy you're being with your choice of shotguns. If you want to shoot it, do so alone or with folks that are willing to take the risk. Oy... Phantom
  22. Absolutely 100% agree!!! This prop failure gets a Freebie is stoopid! Phantom
  23. I've redirected questions in response to you and the best you can do is throw out attacks on me...not my arguments/positions. What's with all the mockery? It's rather childish and certainly unproductive. Phantom
  24. You seem to be unable to answer my question...engage in meaningful debate without a personal attack. That's fine. Says a lot about you. Perhaps someone else will take off where you left off... Phantom
  25. You have a interesting definition of demeaning. The shooter should NEVER stop during a stage unless instructed to cease fire...but you know this. I would assume that you also shoot at a lot of big matches and do walk-thru's. I can forgive a MD for not covering in the Write-Up the unlikely situation (in their mind), of the Swinger not swinging. So now back to the actual WTC issue which actually has to do with whether this is a simple "Prop" failure or whether this kind of situation warrants a forced reshoot. You poopoo the analogy of the Timer showing a time that is obviously not correct. Without using the word "Prop", what's the difference? Phantom
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