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Phantom, SASS #54973

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Everything posted by Phantom, SASS #54973

  1. Oh...I got ya. So your sampling was statistically significant enough for you to share here that "it" can be done...gotcha! Implying can be just as dangerous as assuming 😉 Oy... Phantom
  2. I was going to reply...but by the time I got done scrolling to the posting section I had forgot what it was that I was going to say. 😐 Phantom
  3. Squib loads can happen even with factory ammo...and if someone is shooting dangerous ammo (ie: multiple squibs...like...two), we tell them they can't continue using that ammo. And if they advertise their silly and dangerous loads on Social Media, they'll be stopped before they put a round downrange. Hmmmm...I thought you said you were compressing...now you're not? Yeah well I can swing a 100# barbell from my...but is it a good idea???? My wife would probably say no...and if she didn't...then I have a much bigger issue at hand. Right...suicide is much better performed alone. Cheers! Phantom
  4. Please consider the fact that you are shooting ammo loaded against the clearly expressed recommendations of the manufacturer AND you are then shooting with people that don't have a say in the matter...you are risking other's well being without them knowing it. THAT...is not cool. Phantom
  5. Note to self: Do not shoot with JackSlade... 😐 Phantom
  6. The fact that one can use Factory ammo doesn't enter into the discussion of our PF...so...kinda irrelevant. You're told...??? Your SASS number would indicate that you've been in the game a long time...I'm confuzaled. Now as far as the primer comment...that's just silly and I'm sure you were just joshin. What would be those "other factors"? Phantom
  7. Alright...first, we are a rather unique type of shooting sport/game. Factory ammo is generally hotter than is need to fit the needs of this game. So comparing to Factory Ammo is just not real relevant. Same thing pretty much goes with comparing to other shooting sports. We are wholly a revolver game so PF is not an issue for cycling handguns. We engage steel (for the most part), at relatively close ranges (why only lead with no gas checks). Same actually applies to our rifles... The 60PF from my memory came from allowing 32 cal shooters to use 78gr bullets. The 78gr bullets are pretty common and popular. So do you feel that a 60PF is too low? Phantom
  8. I was there every year...since the beginning...think this was the first one I missed. Thanks to Global Warming I was snowed in. How do they do it??? Since the beginning, The Revenge was all about giving back to the shooters. Wasn't about making money. Phantom
  9. Wasn't the original question already pretty much answered? Curious...why you ask about the 60 PF. Phantom
  10. Good Lord... That's not a rule regarding Short Strokes! Some may have wanted it to be applied to Short Strokes...but it wasn't. You're making things up... Oy! Phantom
  11. How is this relevant to the context we've been engaged in? The whole point of our discussion has centered around you taking and stating the position that there was "...rampant violations, (i.e. short stroked rifles). (emphasis added). Can you address this specific claim of yours with a reference to a rule in the Shooters Handbook...? Phantom
  12. Ooookay Griff...fact is that the vast majority of folks considered the SS'ing of rifles an internal modification. The only time that a rule was put into place was when Jim Bowie came out with the Super Short Stroke kit and the WB want to put a limit on how far the SS could go. Yes, you had a bunch of purists that felt anything other than Stock was an afront to their cowboy sensitivities...but so what. There will always be those...but it has nothing to do with what is and isn't a Rule. Phantom
  13. Alright...well...I don't see how you can claim that there was "...rampant violations, (i.e. short stroked rifles)". Why am I harping on this? Because I like clarity. I don't care for claims that are made as facts without any supporting docs. The only real "rule" made on the lever throw was done because the WB was afraid that the throw would get to the point where one's hand would barely move...which of course is kinda silly because of the physics involved. They measure Jim Bowie's Super Short Stroke and used it as the baseline for the minimum throw allowed. There were discussions regarding the External Modification clause. Did it apply to when the rifle action was Open / Closed or both. The discussion really got going with the roller modification to the '73 Firing Pin Extension. So...there were no rampant violations of the "short stroke" rifles since there was no rule. Phantom
  14. The issue is opening up more options for Stage Writers... Phantom
  15. Since you have the handbooks that you referenced earlier, could you quote that rule(s) here? Phantom
  16. I'm a little disoriented by your response. You said: "Sometimes rules are developed in response to specific actions or practices (as in the case of double projectiles, 1st round downrange, etc.), and sometimes they are enacted to cover already rampant violations, (i.e. short stroked rifles). What rule was being violated? Phantom
  17. Proliferation...??? Wonder where I was during this time of rapid increase in numbers... What rule exactly was being rampantly violated? Since you have the handbooks...handy...can you please reproduce it here so folks can see it? Phantom
  18. So...yer saying it's SASS legal? Phantom
  19. That synthetic stock make it a good shotgun for SASS???? It's not just the money made on a sale. The more a dealer pulls through distribution, the more likely it is that they'll get hard to get (ie: allocated), firearms in the future. Let us know how that synthetic stock works for ya at a sanctioned SASS event 😉 Phantom
  20. Ya got a hell of a lot more talent then me...I'm a monkey on a football shooting my long guns left handed. 😜 Phantom
  21. I would say that no one should tell a competitor that is using legal ammo that they can't use that ammo. That said, there are reasons why that might not be the best thing. Why? 1. Hard on folk's hearing 2. Beats the crap outta cheap steel...that some clubs use because they can't afford good steel. So comparing complains of upper limit legal rounds to lower limit legal rounds is a faulty analogy. The lower limit legal ammo users generally only hurt themselves via misses called because of the lack of target report. Phantom
  22. Yes Wider field of view kinda keeps the brain from wondering "what's over there". For revolvers, I turn my head a bit to the right so that my dominate eye works (I'm right handed and left eye dominant). For long guns I just squint my left eye and now I'm right eye dominant...don't close your eye, just squint. Just what I do... Phantom
  23. Panties...hmmm...yeah this is a cowboy response. Appreciate your passing on your first hand experience about holding one's breath... Why on earth would anyone buy a firearm not knowing the configuration of that firearm. Returns not only cost the buyer shipping and restocking fees, but it incurs a cost/time on the FFL...the FFL that you felt didn't deserve to make a few bucks on the original sale. There is such a thing as a phone...removes doubts/concerns in a few minutes. Phantom
  24. Main complaint...maybe. But if weighed it might be rather insignificant. Expecting the TO to consistently make sure they are in position to pick up light loads is right up there in the complaint scale. Phantom
  25. Well it didn't take long to get the old "mouse fart loads" comment... Phantom
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