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Phantom, SASS #54973

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Everything posted by Phantom, SASS #54973

  1. How much ya got to wager? Phantom
  2. To answer your question: Rossi R92 Use it and upgrade later if you desire. The rifle will always carry a value...it's not like spending $$ at a bar where your $$ ends up down the toilet. Phantom
  3. CAS is a game with many Categories...Wild Bunch is not one of them. They have their game...therefore they have their own forum since the vast majority of CAS do not shoot WB. Phantom
  4. But you were...receiving the product. Unless I mis-read your post. Receivers don't need HazMat certification. Phantom
  5. Not only that, but will expose our (primer & powder), industries to more...heavier...expensive regulations. But...jerks will still thumb their noses at the law...and for those that are doing it right now...you all are A@##34^@%$'s. Phantom
  6. Good luck! Finding a shipper that has a HazMat certification that would be willing to ship your items...assuming a rather small shipment, would cost a bunch! Generally HazMat shippers don't deal with the general public. If one is stoopid enough to take the risk of shipping without a HazMat cert, you're risking a 5 digit kinda fine plus! If anything went wrong with the shipment yer screwed financially. And I love the "Law and Order" hounds on forums like this and others that bitch about this law and say they ship their primers/powders anyway...and simply ignore the laws. Phantom
  7. Question: If he's your son, wouldn't you "know" rather than "think" he sells them on Amazon? If he's not your son...then...never mind. But if he is your son...isn't this whole post rather deceptive...kinda manipulating?? Phantom
  8. Yer shooting steel...many times with overhead cover. Velocity beats the crap outta lower quality steel which may be the only steel that a club can afford. The more db's you generate does nothing for the game...but damages the hell out of folk's hearing. Match your rounds to the purpose at hand rather than some weird desire to beat one's chest. Also, decreasing felt recoil decreases split times up to a point. After which the decreased recoil actually increases split times. Phantom
  9. It's $80/year now...best of my knowledge. Phantom
  10. I would say that this "club" is crappy...find another one...if they indeed think the brass is theirs. Phantom
  11. I was joking...since I don't believe Remington owned Marlin in 2009...all will have the JM proof marks. Phantom
  12. Okay...I kinda wasn't 100% truthful. I use 777 in rifle. I can easily run 12 stages without cleaning. Just a little Ballistol on the breech after each stage. BP in my revolvers and SG. A little ballistol on the cylinder gap and down the barrel of each revolver after each stage...can run well over 12 stages without cleaning. Phantom
  13. I buy the bullets complete. Not smart enough nor have the time to make my own. 😜 Phantom
  14. Dang...all these years I've been using standard 125gr boolits with Hy-Tek coating and real BP. Why hasn't anyone told me I'm doing it all wrong? Phantom
  15. I believe it's Palo Verde's son...don't think he has shot CAS in a very long time. I'm sure Palo Verde will probably chime in on this. Phantom
  16. Generally ends on the second Saturday of October...which of course is the first day of First Rifle Elk season... 😞 Phantom
  17. Solid match! Would suggest (did suggest), increasing the height of the cross on stage one so that the horizonal member is much higher. That'll make it a bit nicer for shorter folks. Also would have a couple of brass pickers/buckets at each stage. Well done OTM's! Phantom
  18. It was great meeting you and your wife (was your wife...right? ☺️). She's very nice...but she's gotta learn to stop leaving her guns everywhere πŸ€ͺ Phantom
  19. And he's your son...isn't he?? Phantom
  20. Good lord... Phantom
  21. Probably???? 🀣
  22. Can't speak for the board, but when I was around we always made allowances for those with medical needs. Phantom
  23. So in this case, there is absolutely no way of knowing the condition (loaded / unloaded), of your rifle...so I'll ask you since the same question that the other person refuses to answer: If a shooter is 2 steps from the ULT and their SG closes, will you SDQ them for taking those 2 steps to the ULT with the closed SG? Phantom
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