This is some fascinating stuff, at least to me!
The second video on this link actually explains what a PRD is, and how it works.
It looks very good from the counter, but I didn't look at it close up. It is blue, with wooden grips. After the OP, I looked at some of the auction sights, and that's about what they are running. Some lower, some higher. Dealer also told me he had some wiggle room.
I was lucky enough to shoot a doe this season, and a fat little bugger she was. Anyway, I fried up some backstrap tonight. My wife, who said she didn't like deer meat before supper, ate three pieces. Best venison I've had in years. Just enough wildness to know you weren't eating beef, but not strong at all.
I had my left eye done by a surgeon in Texarkana. Apparently, she was not familiar with, or didn't care, about anathesia. While my eye was partially numb, it wasn't numb enough to keep the procedure from hurting like hell. It took about a week for all the blurriness to clear up. I also looked like I had lost a bar fight.
So for my right eye I chose a different surgeon. I don't remember a thing about that procedure, and had 20/20 the next morning.
One piece of advice for those about to have the surgery. Don't watch a youtube video on how it's done the night before your surgery.
Went to see Rogue One last night. The timeline appears to be immediately before the original movie. So my little brain says it should be episode three, since the original was episode four. The actual episode three deals with the birth of Luke and Leia, and the creation of Darth Vader. Rogue One seems to follow that timeline.
Can anyone explain in a manner easy to explain.
Some "summer students" at Ft Sill dropped a couple of 105's into the parking lot of a restaurant near Medicine Park several years ago. Fortunately, no one hurt.
My step daughter shot a buck this year from the door of their blind. She was half in, half out and shooting through a window, muzzle was inside the blind. The ear that was in the blind rung and hurt for several days. A .243 is pretty loud!
Last year I had a lightning bolt hit the ground about 10 feet from my car. My right ear wasn't happy for several days.
A 105mm is also pretty loud. I was going out to the Wichita Mts on a road that borders Camp Eagle at Ft Sill. Soldiers touched off one, firing over the road. I think they deliberately waited till we were in front of it. Fortunately they had significant elevation!
If the emphasis is on safety, instead of going through all kinds of putting X's and O's into a computer to figure out how much the safety costs you in rank points, just make the time penalty for a safety violation considerably higher than the time penalty for a procedural. Right now we treat them equally, 10 and 10. Make the safety violation 20 seconds or some other number higher than the P.
I agree with the statement, "No one goes into a stage thinking, I could save some RP by committing a MSV." But MSV's occur. Bud's statement that safety should come first makes me wonder why a MSV is no worse than a P regardless of the scoring system used.