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Crooked River Pete, SASS 43485

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Everything posted by Crooked River Pete, SASS 43485

  1. Sleeved it with a Dan Wesson barrel. However the first time I had it out, before the sleeve, I hit 4 out of 5 targets 4 times.
  2. Tusco used to have, maybe still do, a shoot once a year where they used teddy bears for shotgun targets. I always wondered where they got them from... hmmm
  3. I shot my marlin with the rear sight folded down. I felt it made it easier to find the next target. Pull that picatinny rail off, try it on paper at 10 and 20 yards, he might find he doesn't need a rear sight at all. I think most match directors at weekly matches would let him shoot it. Maybe wrap leather around the end of the barrel and nut, tie it on with fringe, might look cool.
  4. Maybe otto had something to do with that spelling.
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