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Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

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Everything posted by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

  1. The weather guesser changed his story about freezing rain and now tells us we can expect a partly sunny day! I think he looked out his window! BUT, he's still calling for freezing rain Wednesday and Thursday. Goody-Goody-Gum Drops! I think I'll take advantage of this and finish my Easter shopping.
  2. Busy doing Income tax for a number of people, so stuck inside for the past few days AND I still have three more to do. Had to go looking at the Long Term Care Home for some of the information from Canada Revenue Agency and it took them a while figure out what they did with the envelopes and the T4A (OAS) and CPP information. FREEZING RAIN scheduled for tomorrow. GRUMP Oh well, even if/when the hydro lines come down. Again. I have the generator now. BUHHAHAHAHA!
  3. OK, ya got the cast off. GOOD. Now quit kicking things, stomping on nails and running barefoot through the fields. Geez yer poor wife must be tired of having to look after ya! *Secret stuff. *Seriously, glad to hear you're on the mend.
  4. But is it CAS legal? Meanwhile, back in Australia:
  5. Certainly! Just send the deposit, via ZELLE or Bitcoin, which we hold for 3 months to ensure you are serious about the business, then we'll refund your deposit. Trust me. I'm a Lieber Liberal. I'd NEVER lie to you.
  6. Keeping a close eye on Findlay Creek beside my place. The melt is underway and sometimes debris blocks the creek channel. We have to keep an eye on things, especially after discovering the mental giants working for the Wetlands area raised the berm on the wetlands side higher than the berm on the road and house side. Now get off my soggy lawn clover.
  7. We've opened our first storefront office and we're selling franchises.
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