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Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967

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Everything posted by Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967

  1. I used to love that illusion when I was a kid... It's actually called the "wagon wheel effect."
  2. And in the old movies when the horses would run the wheels would spin backwards.
  3. I remember her most for slapping the cop...
  4. Solstice, Ry... Solstice. Winter solstice ~ shortest day and longest night. Summer solstice is in June. Equinoxes are the two days in March and September when the days and nights are of equal time. Now, if you were a Druid, you’d be celebrating Alban Arthan, which means “The Light of Arthur.” Some Druid Orders believe this means the Light of the hero King Arthur Pendragon, who is symbolically reborn as the Sun Child at the time of the Solstice. But for most of us, it's just plumb cold. Down to 34° last night.
  5. Yeah, swapping out a bad heater core on a Ford pickup ranks up there... but that's hopefully not as common as the ignition parts. Actually, I spent two days replacing said core once, and had the new one fail in exactly three days. The dealer wanted a thousand bucks to replace a thirty dollar part....
  6. Chrysler - a pox on their engineers! May their eggnog curdle and all the needles shed from their artificial trees. May their fruitcakes have weevils! May their lights be wired in series with one bad bulb! A lump of coal in their stockings would be too good for 'em... Anyone who's ever had to change the rotor and cap - and plugs! - on an '01 Ram Pickup with a six cylinder engine will know whereof I speak. Sheesh...!
  7. We... Uh, They are that! Right up there with ice fishermen. [From a reformed duck hunter! ]
  8. That might rank up there with the Vikings when they played at the old Metropolitan Stadium. Bud Grant wouldn't allow sideline heaters during the games... wanted his players tough! (Come to think of it... he even made his players practice for standing at attention for the Anthem.)
  9. News ~ not political! So the media has been making much of difficulties the inauguration committee have hit in finding entertainers willing to perform at the event... Well... looks like it's gonna be Jackie Evancho. I don't think they could've done any better. Eat your hearts out, Hollyweed! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2YRCjBzZSg
  10. Boy... now I feel REALLY puny with my li'l 104 lb Mousehole anvil and Buffalo forge... But it was really cool watching.
  11. The closest thing you're likely to find - but it's a good find - is Fort Point; an honest-to-goodness Civil War fort, literally under the south end of the Golden Gate Bridge. If I recall correctly, there's a story that they even fired a cannon shot at a possible Confederate ship passing by... although I cannot imagine why there'd be a Confederate ship in that neighborhood. Fort Point
  12. Piecemeal's not far off. There's a world of difference between the comic book and TV "Cisco Kid" versus the original as written by O Henry. That was a VERY bad dude.
  13. Placed an Amazon order Monday. Screen said "Order within the next 18 minutes for same day delivery!" So I had the order in within two minutes, and clicked the "same day" button. Got a confirmation email saying package would arrive Thursday. Last night tracking "green bar" showed it almost here... "arriving tomorrow by 8:00 PM" This morning the tracking "green bar" says it will be shipping soon. Sometimes I wonder if they just randomly use one o' them li'l flip arrow game spinner thingees...
  14. Ha! If not, it undoubtedly will be!
  15. Well, THAT was different. Looked like they were having fun, though. Hmm.... reminds me of my cousin Chuck. He married a Russian girl a few years ago... undoubtedly the most interesting wedding I've ever attended - thankfully, they had a translator for the benefit of us "down home souls." Reception was a bit different, and fun... but we left before the dancing started. A couple of observations: The Russian girls were ALL strikingly pretty! Nothing at all as I'd expected. But most of the men looked like they'd stepped out of a James Bond movie; wouldn't have been surprised if half of 'em were packing.
  16. No lefse...? Did I miss it...? Ah... memories of Grandma Corneliussen visiting for Christmas. The invigorating fragrance of the lutefisk... uh... invigorating 'cuz I'd find an excuse to be outside in the weather...
  17. That's a lot of hardtack. I always liked it with strawberry jam.
  18. Bad hand - and all - the reporting of this tale is an annual Christmastime event. Enjoy it for the story...
  19. Oft wondered of ol' Yancy had a headache...
  20. Yep... make sure you have an oversized or multiple litter boxes. I have one of those jug-type watering stations and an automatic feeder... at the programmed times, my voice belts out a call to dinner. Don't be between the cats and their supper! The first time it sounded off it confused the heck outta Sherwin... she was SO confused! She stood there and looked at me... then toward the kitchen... then at me... the kitchen... and finally walked toward my "other" voice, looking over her shoulder at me. Makes life MUCH easier.
  21. I'd read that some time ago, Loophole.... all I could think was "Dang. All that, then done in by horse-swapping shenanigans!" Weird. Especially the last sentence.
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