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I soon will be getting an original 1873 sporterized Trapdoor rifle in excellent shape.


i need 50/70 components, especially brass.  Anyone have any to sell ?


Marcus Allen SASS Life # 4357

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Good luck with the brass. I am 15 months backordered 50-70 brass from Starline. I have a friend who has been waiting 21 months for his. If you have 50-90 Sharps you can trim it down. 50-110 brass will not work. I refuse to pay the ridiculous prices in Gunbroker auctions. Dies and bullets are easier to find.


Again good luck.


La Sombra

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Not particularly hard to find, but like other semi-obsolete or unavailable brass, it's going to cost you five or six bucks each, about "the going rate". Some DGW on GB right now @ $62/20, with 1 day 22 hours left. It'll probably go up, but with black powder, no resizing, and no crimp, you can get a lot of reloads out of them.

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Hey Marcus:

Long time no see.

Hope you & the family are doing well.

Might wanna contact Split Rail -- I believe he has a 50/70 Roller, and might have extra brass or other components.


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