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My match today summed up in a photo.

Big Gus, SASS# 66666

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Happened to me once years ago with a .32-20.  I stopped shooting, went home and pulled apart all the ammo I loaded in that caliber and started over with an increased charge.   Never had it happen again.

But it coulda been worse.  This happened last August...



Two friends were each using one.

Neither was hurt, but that was the end for all of us.   I would not risk further disaster.  

PLEASE, everyone, be sure of your loads.

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There is a reason why I batch charge 50 rounds at a time in a loading block then visually inspect all 50 with a flashlight if necessary to ensure powder is present for duty and at the appropriate level in the case.  Shooting calibers that begin with a 4 there is room for double or maybe tripple charges so each case gets checked then I seat the bullets.

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