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Big Gus, SASS# 66666

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    Rivanna Rangers

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    Crozet VA

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  1. I’ll take both pants. Please send me a pm with details on where to send gold. Big Gus
  2. A big shout out to the Cavalier Cowboys and the crew who put on a fantastic state match. Great scenarios, very interesting and amusing targets, shade, fans, food, berm Marshall’s, waddies, score keepers, etc I could go on and on. I can’t wait till next year, they only get better. Big Gus # 66666
  3. Great buy. They are over 2k now. If I didn’t have one I would have grabbed this.
  4. Love mine. Easy to make brass from 8mm Mauser. Took it to Africa killed Kudu, and Red Hartebeest with it.
  5. Cannot send pm. How do you wish to proceeding. 
    Big Gus

    1. tacobill


      Send me your phone number and I will call you

    2. Big Gus, SASS# 66666

      Big Gus, SASS# 66666

      434-989-5465 please call soon. 

  6. Hey Big Gus, THANKS!

    I could use the brass next Saturday, but I can wait.  Beggars can't be choosers.

    If not next Saturday then the next Plainsman Match I know of won't be until April.

    Just send them when you can send them.


    I will gladly pay you for the brass.  And if you has as many as 50 you are willing to sell, that would be great.


    And thanks again!


    Jim Devereux

    50 Price Blvd

    London, AR.  72847


    Taos Lightning

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Big Gus, SASS# 66666

      Big Gus, SASS# 66666

      $9.45 address on box

    3. Big Gus, SASS# 66666
    4. Taos


      You got it coming.

      THANKS SO much!


      bang, bang, with smoke.

  7. I cut a slit in my sight with a fin hacksaw through the top of the two circles now is a buckhorn. Regional official said it was legal. Good enough for me

    1. DeaconKC


      Thanks for the suggestion. I found a buckhorn on Midway that will work without question, so already ordered it. You have a god one, Kevin

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