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Pluto Lamps

Subdeacon Joe

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You ever read an article, and sit there and think, WHAT??


This is the previous post to that "Pluto Lamp" post.




Gladys was Marilyn's (Norma Jean's) mother.


"As Gladys was mentally and financially incapable of caring for Norma, she placed her daughter with foster parents, where Norma stayed until she was seven. In 1933, her mother bought a house and took Marilyn to live with her,..."


Gladys was financially incapable of taking care of her daughter. So she buys a house.


How does an unwed mother/divorcee/whatever her actual status was, who is so broke that she can't take care of her kid and has to put her in the foster care, buy a house?

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Umm... there's this very old profession...


Commonly stated as ''I don't have any money but my 'friends' do''

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From Wikipedia


Baker placed Norma Jeane with evangelical Christian foster parents Albert and Ida Bolender in the rural town of Hawthorne. In the summer of 1933, Baker bought a small house in Hollywood with a loan from the Home Owners' Loan Corporation and moved her daughter in with her.[9] They shared the house with lodgers, actors George and Maude Atkinson and their daughter, Nellie.[10] In January 1934, Baker had a mental breakdown and was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.[11] After several months in a rest home, she was committed to the Metropolitan State Hospital.[12] Norma Jean became a ward of the state, and her mother's friend, Grace Goddard, took responsibility over her and her mother's affairs.[13]

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