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Interesting Map that Compares the GDP of States in the US to the GDP of other Countries.


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The Russian economy is about 1.6 trillion or around the size of Texas.

The Chinese economy is around 14 trillion dollars.

The US economy is around 22 trillion.

The German economy is around 4 trillion dollars.

The Japanese economy around 5 trillion dollars.

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And this is why our Communists…I mean, the Progressives, want us to pay for everyone else’s “global warming” while allowing China to pollute the Earth more than all other nations combined. 

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The last time I checked, America is responsible for only 19% of the world's carbon foot print.
This means if America went dark by killing every man, woman and child in the country.. the carbon footprint would only reduce (at most) by 19%.

Since this isn't likely to happen, the feel-good, touchy-feelie climate stuff is more akin to trying to empty the Atlantic with a tea spoon.

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