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Just admiring...


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I'm doing a thorough cleaning of a pair of pistols that I shot this past Saturday, and got to admiring the work done by a gunsmith, and the time he must have put in, just on the hammer springs.

(He did a heckova lot more than that), The hammer still has a fast return time, but a light hammer pull.  The spring has been thinned in width and tapered.  There isn't a machine mark or rough spot or a sharp edge anywhere on it.  It has a new, precisely milled slot where the roller rides.  There seems like endless little things he did to improve the function of the gun. Somehow it all works together so there's not a bit of trigger creep, and hammer over-travel is gone. Timing and lockup are perfect, so there is no hint of a drag line on the cylinder.  Dang!  Don't complain about the cost a good gunsmith charges for his work.  He is a craftsman and an artist.  If you find a good'un, stick with him. 

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I can tell ya' one thing  if we could get  say Lassiter  &  Jimmy Spurs to name a couple to come to Australia ..they may not get back to the  USA for some time !!!!!!!!!!

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