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Any o' ya'll drive a Honda Fit?

Three Foot Johnson

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I climbed into a Fit and .....I Fit.

And it was half the price of some cars.

I wonder if they have a stick shift?

I'm missing shifting.




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The Fit comes with a 6 speed manual, if that's what you're asking, but you lose some mpg with it.


The interior is remarkably large. Another thing I discovered, after driving it a few days now, is the headrests can be reversed. Honda did some odd crash engineering with the "head restraints", as they call them, and they lean forward at a rather uncomfortable angle, but both metal legs are notched for the adjuster thingie, so they can be turned around the other way and you can sit upright.



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  So J Bar....I know Helena is the very politically correct State Capitol with a bunn kissing Democrat Governor. But did he mandate they can only sell Right hand drive Foreign cars? Now you're going to have to get used to driving in the left hand lane and into on coming traffic on 2 lane roads.  :o :unsure:


PS...how'd your B' Day go? Did you get a free dinner courtesy of your daughter?

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Not my car in the pic, just the first one I came across on google that showed the goofy angle of the headrests. :lol: Hard to tell... maybe it IS a right hand drive...?


No, she didn't - I'll probably be over that way next Tuesday though, so I'll hit her up for it then. ;)

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