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speaking of boats in a hurricane

Trigger Mike

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not wanting to hijack the thread about the crushed boats in the islands, I saw on the news where a man and wife were trying to save their sail boat during Irma as it passed through Florida.  The man said it was all he had so they took it out from the slip to try and save it and had to be rescued.  felt bad for the guy

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Saw a report with 3 dudes in rockport who were going to ride out harvey on their boat.  I think they said, "we got beer, we got beans, we got everything a growing boy needs."  The owner of the boat said it was 100 years old, that it had seen worse, and that they didn't make boats this well anymore. 


I need to see if I can find a followup story on them. 

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My dad rode out a hurricane in 1932 in a 165" 3 masted steam brig, the State of Massachusetts training ship Nantucket (former USS Ranger)  with about 100 other cadets. Said he never wanted to eat hardtack and sardines again. Their engine quit as the stack was flattened, and they were pushed up to Nova Scotia from the Canaries for about 10 days. Their radio went out and folks in Mass. panicked as the Germans had lost a school ship in the late 20's in a similar situation. It made a lasting impression on him. He was an old school merchant mariner and kept his operating license until he passed at 92.   


Church Key

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