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Problem with Buffalo Classic misfiring

Marlin Buckhorn,SASS 51727

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I know this topic was covered years ago on the SASS Wire but I can't find any info now. The problem is that the firing pin doesn't hit the primer all the time. Not having light primer hits but getting no hit on the primer. After a failure to fire I can re-cock the hammer and the gun fires the second time the trigger is pulled. If I open the gun after a misfire the primer will show no indication of being hit. If I close the gun on the same cartridge, cock the hammer and pull the trigger the gun does fire.


This doesn't happen all the time but more often than not to be truly annoying. Any suggestions appreciated.


Thanks ahead of time,

Marlin B.


PS: It doesn't matter what primer I use. No dent in the primer so it can't be a high primer. Also same problem with factory ammo, Hornady & PMC.

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You need to close the action smartly & with authority. Or.................

The transfer bar might be cracked and need of replacement.

Go to Graybeards web site and the Handi-Rifle forum. Good stuff on the handi there.

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With the transfer bar in the Buff Classic, a failure to "follow-through" completely on your trigger pull can cause the bar to not be up fully when the hammer falls, which will cause the exact problem you're seeing. Especially since you're seeing it intermittently. I've seen this happen more than once to H&R shooters.



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