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While I Think Their Stupidity Is Funny..........

Calamity Kris

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While obviously not exactly the same as far as the possiblility of financing terrorist violence, the behavior of these dimwits reminds me a lot of the people who blindly send off either a large "donation" or a monthly support stipend to those "save the children" or "save the starving, abused dogs" or "save the whales" or Greenpeace or any of those other left wing, feel good, BS groups whose elitist members live high off the money, usually, of those least able to afford it..


Yeah, sure. Like, I'm going to send money to finance some clique of professional granola-eating loafers, along with their support group of blonde, unwashed groupies with braided armpit hair, who are on some perpetual vacation in Shangra La or Margaritaville or some other damn where, right? Same way with these "save the jihad" funds. "Whadda Maroon!"


These idiots gave away their kids' college money. Hopefully, their citizenship will be revoked and they'll be launched out of the US, but probably not.

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