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Whats The Call ?

Widder, SASS #59054

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Last shoot was a good example of folks trying to read something into stage instructions that were not there. Picture four targets, 1,2,3 and 4. Instructions were to do a Nevada sweep on any three targets then repeat. Some shooters used 2,3 and 4 for both pistols. Some used 1,2, and 3 for both pistols. One shooter used 1, 3 and 4 for one pistol and 1,2 and 4 for second pistol. Another shooter used 1,2 and 4 for one pistol starting on left and 4,3, and 1 for second pistol, starting on right. Good example of why RO can over ride spotters calls for Ps on a stage like that. In this case repeat was defined as do the same thing, any three targets in read thru, but obviously not everyone listened, not repeat same three selected targets. Stage instructions also did not say any three in sequence. Guess we were lucky a shooter did not choose to shoot 2,3,4 Nevada sweep starting on target 3 or we would still be discussing it.


To avoid this in the future.... Club stage conventions should be.....

Shotgun targets can only be made up during the shotgun string.

I'm not sure I agree that anything needs to "be avoided in the future". I think the outcome was quite novel and a good topic for discussion.

Similar to my thoughts about what the govt. is doing, I don't think we need any more restrictions.




I'm not sure I agree that anything needs to "be avoided in the future". I think the outcome was quite novel and a good topic for discussion.

Similar to my thoughts about what the govt. is doing, I don't think we need any more restrictions.



Sort agree with Fillmore here. Kind of liked the idea, of course, where a SG target could be made up must to established. Shooter who makes shotgun safe by carrying it to another position could more than likely not be allowed to make up shotgun at that position. Make up allowed anytime BUT from original shotgun position only. Shooter could still carry SG with them if their desire to say, the rifle position, but would have to bring it to original SG position for the make up.


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