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SOLD: Frontiersman Holsters!


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(SOLD): An excellent pair of used Frontiersman Holsters. (For Frontiersmen or those who like to shoot in STYLE!) Heavyweight, Lined leather, Open-Toed, Fringed and Concho'd, Border Tooled and Studded. Marked "LA Flair MAKER Cochise AZ"

Right Hand Strong Side and Right Hand Cross-Draw

Made for 5-1/2" barreled guns, but 4-3/4" barrels work well too.

Pictures can be seen here:

Holsters, Front

Holsters, Back

Holsters, Top

Holsters, Toe

Holsters, Closeup

Holster with 1858 Remington

Holster with Ruger Old Army

Holster with Ruger Bisley Vaquero(SOLD)


Holster are 95.00 with shipping included,(but not the guns ;) )


Doc McC

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FS: An excellent pair of used Frontiersman Holsters. (For Frontiersmen or those who like to shoot in STYLE!) Heavyweight, Lined leather, Open-Toed, Fringed and Concho'd, Border Tooled and Studded. Marked "LA Flair MAKER Cochise AZ"

Right Hand Strong Side and Right Hand Cross-Draw

Made for 5-1/2" barreled guns, but 4-3/4" barrels work well too.

Pictures can be seen here:

Holsters, Front

Holsters, Back

Holsters, Top

Holsters, Toe

Holsters, Closeup

Holster with 1858 Remington

Holster with Ruger Old Army

Holster with Ruger Bisley Vaquero


Holster are 95.00 with shipping included,(but not the guns ;) )


Doc McC




Sorry, I thought they were two strong sides. Anyway I'll bump them up

Blue Wolf

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I'll takem!!!!!!! let me know were to send the Gold Dust.



PM sent. I'll mark 'em "SOLD" for you.

If for some reason the message doesn't go through, contact me at jnmcc@nc.rr.com





If Rudy changes his mind, they're yours.

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