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Buying & Selling Tips In The Classifieds

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I have a suggestion. It sounds like a small thing, but it does make a big difference.


Sellers: When you list an item for sale like boots, shirts, pants etc. please list the GENDER of the item if applicable. {Ladies shirt, men's pants, ladies boots, etc.} It's really frustrating to start communicating with the seller on the size 9 boots you are looking for, only to find out they are men's not ladies or vice versa.

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Col. This info helped me sell a lot of nice items to a great bunch of pards. Especially the part about the importance of posting pictures . Thanks, Castalia

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You're very welcome. Too bad there're still those who won't post pics and links to them. Takes them longer to sell. But there are some items that just take forever to sell anyway. :huh:

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Good tips


I guess being a photographer makse pictures all that much more important to me....bur it is true. Ih the heyday of eBuy I used to sell a lot of stuff and always had great pix.



A good example is 4Trod just posted/sold a set of 1860's and they went in a day and half. Someone even posted that the pix were excellent.


Don't assume that everyone knows what something looks like. No matter how minor the object....show a pix.....improves saleability by 1000%



good selling/buying



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  • 3 weeks later...



With a reminder that LOCATION is important, especially with guns and large items. If somebody is 20 miles down the road from me, for instance, and has a gun for sale, we can do a face to face and save the bother of finding an FFL, the cost of transfer, and the shipping cost as well. If somebody has a horse for sale, for instance, the location can mean a three-hour trip - or a buyer in Tennessee looking at an ad for a horse in California. Not practical at all.


Your mileage may vary, but it just makes sense to me.




Happy Trails!


Cap'n L.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So right Capt. L. But every day you can find ads in the Classifieds w/o any location. It could be so easy for the Wire administrators to make a profile location mandatory when someone signs up as a member. It doesn't hurt a thing to list your city and state of residence.


Curly Cole, you're so right. But as above you can find new posts all the time where the seller says "pics available by email". I guess they're just to lazy to try to upload their pics to a free website and then put a link to the pics in their ad. Sure it takes a few more minutes but it can make sales go smoother and faster.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Jess Money

Great thread.


Sellers - I would like to add a little about PayPal.

If you receive funds using PayPal - it costs you 2.9% of the purchase price

plus 30 cents per transaction. So - most of the pards here on SASS wire

prefer a check (I do, anyway).


Sellers - have the items ready to ship the day you receive the funds. I have it

all boxed up - taped - and ready to go. I try to ship that day - or the next day at the

latest. Let the Buyer know that you received the $ and when you will be shipping it.

Do this either by email or PM.


Buyers - get the money to the Seller ASAP. We get nervous when 7 - 10 days click by and

we haven't seen the $ - or heard from you.


To me - COMMUNICATION is very important. If you keep each other informed - you will have a smooth transaction EVERY TIME.


- Boneyard Bill




Good advice for those of us who will abide by common courtesy. I just went through a situation with a seller on the Classified Line who offered an item for sale in response to my search for that type item. We agreed on the price after he gave an answer to all my questions over a couple of days of discussion via e-mail and the wire. Then, just like that, no further communication from him. I guess he's decided not to sell after all but as of this writing, I've never heard from him again. Not sure he ever heard of the Cowboy Way or just the plain old decency to respond.

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Paypal has always been free sending and receiving money between individuals as gifts. In the past ten years I have not been charged yet! The funds move instantly and securely. When you receive funds through paypal you can get a check, or have it transferred to your bank account.

PayPal’s policy on transactions that involve firearms...


Please pin Buying & Selling Tips at the top of SASS Wire Classifieds.

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Paypal has always been free sending and receiving money between individuals as gifts. In the past ten years I have not been charged yet! The funds move instantly and securely. When you receive funds through paypal you can get a check, or have it transferred to your bank account.


Buying & Selling Tips should be pinned at the top of SASS Wire Classifieds

Paypal has always been anti firearms, and I along with many others refuse to use it.

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Colonel, excellent post. In my opinion, this should be mandatory reading before anyone posts something for sale in the classifieds. But, alas, we still have pards posting items without pictures or without price or without location...or having sold something without posting that it's already been sold.

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Slim, I agree, but that would only work if one of the moderators pinned it so it would remain on top. That just isn't going to happen though, unless a bunch of folks started PMing the moderators requesting it and I don't really see that happening.


As far as folks not posting pics they don't seem to understand the time saved by posting links to the items. IE; I have a gun for sale at a bargain price. Every day I get a couple requests for pics. I don't check my email till the next morning. I spend 15-20 minutes uploading the pics and emailing them. 15 hrs later after Joe Crazy Mule gets home from work and takes his wife out to dinner he looks at the pics and decides he wants some more detailed pics. So I have to send more pics and wait to hear from Mr. Crazy Mule. I never do because he's decided the gun isn't what he wanted afterall. My time has been wasted by several folks who are just pic collectors.


But I take several pics, from every angle with good lighting and closeups and download them to Photobucket and then put links to them in my ad. Then I'm only contacted by serious buyers. 2 days later a pard that lives 120 miles from me looks at my location and likes the gun and we make a deal and agree to meet at McDonalds in a town half way between us. He brings me cash and he saves shipping and Ins. and transfer fees. That's why it's important to put your location in your profile. I don't understand why some people just won't do that. Anybody with a little computer savvy can find out what city and state they live in from their IP address if they want to go to the bother.

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I take several pics, from every angle with good lighting and closeups and download them to Photobucket and then put links to them in my ad.

Goggle mail gives users free Blog space where you can post as many pictures as you want accessible by only one click for the buyers.


Example of one click, many pic, user blog: http://hondorig.blogspot.com/

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  • 2 weeks later...

Colonel, excellent post. In my opinion, this should be mandatory reading before anyone posts something for sale in the classifieds. But, alas, we still have pards posting items without pictures or without price or without location...or having sold something without posting that it's already been sold.


BTT, Moose :FlagAm:

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Why not just let everyone do things their way? If they aren't having much luck, they will mend their ways. No need to tell people how to do their own thing, that's what the government is for. If it was of great importance, the moderanors would have it up top, donchathink?

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Those of us who have experience buying and selling on the web would like to make it easier for buyers to find stuff, and sellers turn their surplus into loot, moolah, bucks, lucre, and dinero. What is really super cool about *Sass Wire Classifieds,* is that most of the property for sale has been pre-selected by Sass members, for Sass use. It comes with an implied seal of approval which is vital, to the tenderfoot and provides liquidity to old timers. I see Jacknife' is taking a philosophical turn here. This might turn out OK as it will keep the post up.


No need to tell people how to do their own thing, that's what the government is for.

So, Jacknife' here thinks that people should have no voice, and just accept whatever" big brother"" hands out.


If it was of great importance, the moderators would have it up top, donchathink?

No Jack That is not what I think, You must not be the first born. That is why we fought and Won the revolutionary war against "Big Brother," making our decisions for us. What makes you think that just because they accept these added responsibilities and liabilities of leadership, they are any better equipped to know about buying and selling than the rest of us who actually buy and sell?


Who knows better what the market place needs, than buyers and sellers themselves?


No need to tell 'eople 'ow to d' their own thing, that's what the government is for.

Does the government tell you what to do Jack?

Abraham Lincoln' timestamp='00' post='00'] The legitimate object of government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done, but can not do at all, or can not so well do, for themselves – in their separate, and individual capacities.

A few of us together probably have the combined experience of a thousand years, how are a few over-worked and underpaid, and not nearly appreciated as much as they should be volunteers, going to compare too that?


If the' aren't ha'ing mu'h luck,'they will mend their ways.

Or drop out which is what membership does not want.


Goods will be recycled. The Stock Exchange had rules, and guidelines, eBay has rules and guidelines. Common sense has a structure. No reason why buyers and sellers cannot freely exchange tactics and techniques, to help with the free exchange of the necessary tools of our trade. It should be as easy as possible for Cowboys to gear-up, when they are alive, and for there wives to liquidate when they are not, whatever we use to dress up like Cowboys and shoot guns.

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Those of us who have experience buying and selling on the web would like to make it easier for buyers to find stuff, and sellers turn their surplus into loot, moolah, bucks, lucre, and dinero. What is really super cool about *Sass Wire Classifieds,* is that most of the property for sale has been pre-selected by Sass members, for Sass use. It comes with an implied seal of approval which is vital, to the tenderfoot and provides liquidity to old timers. I see Jacknife' is taking a philosophical turn here. This might turn out OK as it will keep the post up.



So, Jacknife' here thinks that people should have no voice, and just accept whatever" big brother"" hands out.


No Jack That is not what I think, You must not be the first born. That is why we fought and Won the revolutionary war against "Big Brother," making our decisions for us. What makes you think that just because they accept these added responsibilities and liabilities of leadership, they are any better equipped to know about buying and selling than the rest of us who actually buy and sell?


Who knows better what the market place needs, than buyers and sellers themselves?


Does the governmebt tell you what to do Jack?

A few of us together probably have the combined experience of a thousand years, how are a few over-worked and underpaid, and not nearly appreciated as much as they should be volunteers, going to compare too that?



Or drop out which is what membership does not want.


Goods will be recycled. The Stock Exchange had rules, and guidelines, eBay has rules and guidelines. Common sence has a structure. No reason why buyers and sellers cannot freely exchange tactics and techniques, to help with the free exchange of the necessary tools of our trade. It should be as easy as possible for Cowboys to gear-up, when they are alive, and for there wives to liquidate when they are not, whatever we use to dress up like Cowboys and shoot guns.


Ya know, it is amazing just how easy it is to wind some people up.


Cremony, as far as the question "Does the governmebt tell you what to do Jack." Doesn't the government tell ALL of us what to do?


Could ya enlighten us about all the experience with buying and selling on the web, the stock exchange and buying and selling on the *Sass Wire Classifieds*? Seeings as how this post was started LONG BEFORE you became a "guest".

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Cremony, as far 's0'the qu'stion "'oes the governmebt tell you what "o do Jack." Doesn't the government tell ALL o" us what to do?

I was under the impression that the people tells the government what to do.


Could ya enlighten us about all the experience with buying and selling on the web, the stock exchange and buying and selling on the *Sass Wire Classifieds*?

Not that it has any place here. But classified ads have been around as long as there have been newspapers. The Vintage watch on my arm was bought on ebay in 1996. We started trading commodities using modem dial ups in 1980. Stocks I still have some of Mobius's Emerging Markets i bought on the Web in 1998. Parts for my car I can find no where else at a reasonable price but on the web. And recently I bought a rig off of Deuce Stevens. Why what does that have anything to do with common sense?


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ON a more practical note, it wastes time and adds to confusion when people don't know these things. For instance, there was a post earlier that was titled "Grips" (my apologies to that poster, but it is a good example). Well, if I had a pair of grips to sell, I might not waste my time looking at that post - but it turns out that somebody was looking to buy some grips, not sell them. He was, of course, looking for grips for a specific model of revolver; somebody with a pair of Ruger grips would not be able to help the guy. It really would be more helpful to him - AND to the rest of us - to put as much information into the header as he could - and it is quite possible to do that without getting too wordy.


"WTB grips for USFA Rodeo" isn't so hard to put in. If somebody has a selection of firearms, "SASS guns for sale" is fine; if it is only one, "Uberti Walker, Unfired $350 shipped" would be good - and if there was a holster, putting that on the subhead line would be great. "Pistol for sale" would at least eliminate the possibility that he was looking to buy; but it could cover anything from a flintlock to a Glock. The Classified forum is a great place to match up buyers and sellers; when it can be done efficiently, with the minimum of wasted time and frustration, it works best.


So Thanks! again to the good Colonel. A serious compendium of useful guidelines for those who use this forum.



Cap'n L.

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The problem is not with some dim-wit seller who eventually will find a way to get rid of there stuff (or not). I am a buyer. There can be someone out there trying to sell just what I am willing to buy. They may want less than I will pay. If I am set up with Paypal, cash flow is automatically handled. If I can't do an instant transfer it will pay the seller cash on my credit. Financial confidentiality is assured.


Buyers need only one instruction: Pay now!


So everything rests on the seller. They need to describe what they have. Show plenty of giant pictures, and get the goods in the mail pronto. I have been spending money all of my life. Sellers must be trained to describe what they have, and show plenty of giant pictures.




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