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Hey K.K.


I was thirsty. I took care of it last night. I checked out the freshness of my "Tonic". Yep, still good! Of course, I am thinking I might be thirsty again the end of May. KCD


Widder, I could loan ya a buck or 2! Karl, I'm thirsty too! However, the days of you and I and whiskey at 20 paces ended a couple years ago. Shaddai, I am always hungry! Bring on the meet and greet and gumbo!


Hey Doc,I got the first round at the "Meet and Greet". Of course, I hope we have few hundred of close or soon to be close friends to enjoy it with. ;) We can continue our "smack" talk while everyone else is "smacking" on the Gumbo. Let the "Tonics", Gumbo, and Smack Talk flow! The Chapel may just have to get another floor! KCD


A virtual sky scraper huh Drover! I believe that I will be having a sip of somethin at the meet and greet right there with ya! Why it will be my honor!


Did somebody say whiskey??? Free whiskey??? I knew I was gonna love this shoot....




Doc & Drover, I'll supply the sippin' drinks for the beginning. Just hope it blends well with Gumbo.

He obviously doesn't know us very well huh Karl!!!!!!!


Doc & Drover, I'll supply the sippin' drinks for the beginning. Just hope it blends well with Gumbo.





You probably know as many folks in SASS/CAS as anybody. I'd say between you and Mose, Y'all probably 'know' everybody.


Anyhow, I thought I would share this with ya.


When Korupt Karl is involved, there ain't no such thing as 'sippin'. Its more like 'gulpin'.

He carries his own silver lined funnel..... :D


Anyhow, one of the reason I don't drink is because I can't afford it when it comes my time to 'buy the next round'.







Check out the Post by Tonk about Rockcastle and see some fun.




Shad; I've been a practicin....my bud and I just walked in from the lanai drinkin some sippin whiskey....I'll try to be in shape when I get there.




Karl, even if your not in shape, I am sure you will still be in form! Widder, It will be good to have a sober one along for the ride. That was the main reason I married the gal I did, she doesn't drink! I married a designated driver!!!!!!!LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!


Karl, we have a walking or jogging track at the hotel, so you can drink then walk, then jog back for a drink.


KK and Doc Joggin and Drinkin Ya ought to charge admission fer that one .....................:lol:


As a matter of fact, Bandit, if we did charge admissions, we might make as much for that bit of entertainment as we are gonna make for the Chapel doing Gumbo Wars! ;) No offense Gentleman, I resemble that remark as well! KCDrover


I'll take it! Why some of my biggest hero's wear purple and black. I shouldn't look to bad in pink and yeller? :unsure::lol: :lol: KCDrover


This venue is such a great place that I've made my reservations to arrive a day early (Thursday) and just relax and take it easy. Maybe make myself available to help out with some last minute stuff.


Maybe me and Shaddai can make it over to the local 'sit down' and have a good steak.


Anyone else plannin to be there early?





This venue is such a great place that I've made my reservations to arrive a day early (Thursday) and just relax and take it easy. Maybe make myself available to help out with some last minute stuff.


Maybe me and Shaddai can make it over to the local 'sit down' and have a good steak.


Anyone else plannin to be there early?






There's a few of us from Illinois that are scheduled to be there on Thursday (at least according to Sara we have reservations), so, we'll see what plays out.


There's a few of us from Illinois that are scheduled to be there on Thursday (at least according to Sara we have reservations), so, we'll see what plays out.




Hey Ugly,


arriving early can let us 'jaw' alittle more and not feel rushed. You'll enjoy this place.....and the match!

Maybe even our good buddy, KK, might ride his little 'cycle' down early and relax alittle before the action starts.


Lookin forward to seeing you again.





Food.... A couple of Cocktails.......Good folks to hang around with.....Count me in


The Drover - Knob Creek Style - will be there on Thursday as well. And, Shaddai, my back is strong; has to be because of a weak mind; so, I can certainly help out as well. KCDrover


At least part of the Ohio contingency will be arriving mid afternoon on Thursday! Once Doc's Tavern and Bunkhouse is set up, we will open for business! Man I wish It was that time already!


Hey Doc - Shaddai and the Whole Gang....Drinks on me for the first round. I know, Shaddai, you said you got it, but, my third grandson was just born at 10:15 - 7 lbs 12 0zs and, and all the parts are there...YEE-HAW!!!! YEE-HAW! - YEE-HAW! KCDrover :D:D:D


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