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Walter & Leroy (those crazy Ducks)

Widder, SASS #59054

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I ran into Walter and Leroy while over in North Carolina recently.


Walter had lost his girl friend because his quacker hadn't been working very well lately. So she left him for a Horn Bill.


Anyhow, I took Walter to the local Vet for a check up while Leroy stayed back at the pond getting a few extra laps for the upcoming swimming marathon.


The Vet noticed immediately that Walters quacker wasn't what it ought to be so he fixed him up a medical cocktail that started to make his quacker work better.


So instead of an occational 'quakkk, quckkkk, ackkk', Walter started saying "Quack, quack, quack" once again.


When we returned to the pond, Leroy ask:


Quack, Quack, Quack (meaning: 'what did the doctor say?'


Walter replied: Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack ("he gave me a shot and said I would probably live another 50 years").


Leroy said: Quack, quack, quack ('I knew you should have bought that extended warranty on your truck').



Them fellers are halarious!





Well Ha, HA,


Sure is good to hear about Walter & Leroy. Glad Walter's got over his quack attack. Just one question, does Walter's truck have a ...."Radio"?


Hasta Luego, Keystone


I just don't know how you keep comin' up with these...they're hilarious!!!!!!


Ya need to do a book...or go live!


Funniest thing I've read in a LOOOOOOOONG time!




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