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Arizona State Black Powder Shoot

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:FlagAm: Apple Annie and yours truely attended The Arizona State Black Powder Match this past weekend in Payson, Arizona. The match is held compliments of the Tonto Rim Marauders. Silverado Sid, his lovely bride and the rest of the club put on one hell of a great match. The stages were great, the weather about perfect and the fun factor was off the charts.

The little things such as everyone receiving a door prize, the smooth flow of the match and good eats all help to make a match excel in giving to the shooters what they came for.

This match should be a must shoot for next year. This was our first and we already put it on the schedule for 2012.

Again, thank you for putting together a first rate match that shouldn't be missed and will not be at this hacienda.


Chas B. Wolfson :):D

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This was my fourth Tonto Rim Smokeout and, again, it was a great shooting experience!


The weekend ran like clockwork, the stages were fun -- some shooters started laughing with the opening lines and kept on grinning -- and there was plenty of movement and variety.


Friday night's pot luck Italian cookoff offered plenty of prime chow.


A tip of the Stetson Stetson to Silverado Cid and the rest of the Tonto Rim Marauders for another first-class event.


I can't wait for TRSO No. 5!





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Boo, Hoo, Hoo: Shame, Shame on us for missing another fantastic shoot.


We were there in 2010 and it was grrrrreat then. For 2011 we had to take care of business at ACSA's monthly. But pilgrim, I guarantee you, we will certainly be there in 2012. Yeeeeeh, Haaaa, And see you all on the range.



Jackrabbit Joe #414 and Sly Puppy #78115

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