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Wearing a US cavalry Sash

Buffalo Creek Law Dog

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When wearing the cavalry sash during the Civil War and Indian War era, is the sash worn over or under the sword belt. Appreciate comments.


For most of the Indian War period after the implementation of the 1872 regs the sash was only worn by General Officers and the Officer of the Day. The officer of the day wore the sash across the body and over the shoulder.


During the Civil War period all officers wore sashes with dress uniforms and the undress frock coat (shoulder straps vs epaulettes) when worn the sword belt buckled over the sash.


IW Cav Uniforms

No sash. Save yer money for the fancy helmet. :lol:


For CW, the sash was worn under the sword belt.


Thanks guys, I'm working on a U.S. Cavalry uniform for the banquet at the Canadian Championships this comming August.


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