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Grizzly Dave

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Ilooked them right in the eye and said,"Boys, I aint goin out dis way. Not layin' flat on my back. Doc Ward's told me what he would have to do to me and what other folks would have to do fer me. Aint havin none of it....y'all hear me.....NONE ! Would like do go out fightin !! Makin bad guys show me da way to hell. But I know you two hard heads would stop me or help me. So, when I'm able, I'm gonna ride back to my ranch and just drift away.


Now, let's git to da more serious business. As fer as my cattle and horses goes, Taft, ya git 1/8 of da herd. Do what ya what wif'em, sell'em ifin yur mind to. Lord knows them babies grow faster den weeds. Grizz, you git da same. I expect yur use'em to trade faily wif da injuns. And Deja, ifin y'all happen on her, tell her she gits a 1/8 of da herd or da money from da herd. Now Grizz, you got a workin' and producin' mine, so I hear. So, Grizz, I don't think you need dis. But Taft, you'll need more money den those cattle will bring,....so.....


Taft, remember when we where rangin' in AZ. We heard stories bout da Lost Spanish Mines ? Well, dey aint stories !! Just how da hell y'all think I came up wif those double eagles, buyin' my ranch out right and payin' my hands till I got my ranch up and runnin' ? Git me somethin' to write on and I'll draw ya a map to da mines." Taft hands where still shakin, so Grizz got'em for me. I drew a map, resting a few times as I did. Taft reached out to take the map, and touched my hand. "Hawk........" he wispered and started to cry.

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Grizz excused himself to get away for a few minutes to compose himself. He didn't like folks to see him cry... not that it didn't happen a fair amount but when you went into battle with men, if they saw you cry it was a sign of weakness.


Angel was waiting outside and comforted Grizz as best she knew how, which was pretty much just to give him someone to hold. After a few minutes he stopped shaking, wiped away the tears and cleared his throat.


"Where are the pups?" He ask Angel


She looked at him dumbfounded, "why does that matter at a time like this?"


"Where are the pups?" Grizz repeated.


"They're in Taft's room, Mama Taft told little Allie she could keep one, and she's trying to decide which one."


"Go get the one they don't want, and bring it here, go now." Grizz ordered a bit more gruffly than he'd meant.


While she was gone Grizz's mind raced, thought of the past, of what the medicine man had told him about Chiye-tanka and of the mountain valley where they'd run into Deja, and of the future. Grizz shook his head, but the future wasn't written yet, he tried desperately to figure out what the memories were, but kept coming back to the fact that what he saw was the future. All of a sudden it became clear.


Angel came back with the pup, Grizz held it up "it's the bitch, I thought it would be" he said as he took Angel's hand and led her back into Hawk's room.


Taft gave Grizz a look when he saw the pup and muttered under his breath that it wasn't the time. Grizz waved him off and pulled a chair close to Hawk's bed and sat down.


Mostly for Taft's benefit he recounted the story of how he'd been wounded, starting with falling off his horse. How he'd laid in a doctors bed for weeks unconscious and had been given no hope.


"I now know that you came to see me each day Hawk, and for that I am greatful."


Grizz cleared his throat and gazed out the window, holding the pup tight and scruffling her ears, choosing his next words carefully. All eyes were on Grizz and no one made a sound.


"When all hope was lost, Angel brought me Hope, she brought me this pup's mother, and I woke up"


Grizz set the pup on Hawk's lap and continued..


"While I was out, I had many dreams, some of which I could not remember when I woke up, until today. They were dreams of the past, and dreams of the future. I don't know how, but we must go to that high mountain valley where we saw Deja that time. Chiye-tanka is there, and he comes in times of trouble, and if you do not fear him, you have nothing to fear from him, and he will help."

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I gotta say, when I first read Hawk's last post he was writin while I was writing mine I thought "man these really don't work together" but reading them back to back, I think it works...

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The room was quiet for what seemed like hours but in reality it was only a few minutes. Hawk sat staring into the pups eyes as if trying to read the wisdom of the ages from the pup.

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After a while Hawk looked up. He looked at each of them, pausing on Grizz. "What you wearing yer fightin guns for?" he asked referring to the nickle colts riding in the fancy double rig. "Expecting trouble?"


"Taft's wire didn't say you wuz sick, jus that you were in a bad way, I figured maybe range war or something" Grizz said quietly. "I wish it had been."


Hawk looked at Angel and noticed the peacemker on her hip. "Looks like ya all came heeled" he said.

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"Grizz, You know whar I need to git to. Not strong nuff to git der by me lonesome. I need help and you know I need yur help ot you would'nt be here. I bring pup wif me. Comfortin spirit. Clam. Taft, will you help ?" I asked.

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Taft looked at him and nodded, "jus try to keep me away".


The next day and a half was spent preparing for the journey ahead. Hawk sent his hired man back to his ranch for his best paint pony, his buckskins, medicine bag and other things. Grizz had argued that he had plenty of horses for all of them, but Hawk explained his wanted that pony, and that upon his death it was to be set free.


Doc Ward volunteered to go along as far as Denver as he wanted to visit his sister there. Mama Taft and the family would go along as well, but would stay at the cabin with Angel during the final leg of the trip up to the high mountain valley. The following morning they loaded the pony and boarded the train to Denver. They'd been able to get a compartment for Hawk and Doc Ward, and one for the Taft family, leaving Angel and Grizz to settle into the regular passenger car.

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With the gentle rocking of the train, Grizz dozed in and out of sleep. With the sounds of boot steps approaching, he woke and slid his left hand down my his pistol and cracked and eye just enough to see. Taft stood there looking at him for a few moments until Grizz's eyes snapped open and he spoke out "Howdy Taft!" EE jumped. "Dang it Grizz, don't do that!"


Taft sat down and stretched out his legs. "So who's this Chiye-tanka feller you were talkin about anyway, he some sort of medicine man?"


Grizz shared the story of Chiye-tanka as best he knew it. "I don't know why Hawk has to go to where Chiye-tanka is, just that he has to go."


"You reckon that, er, creature will help him to the spirit world, or heal him, or what?" Taft asked.


Grizz lowered his head "I don't know, but Hawk ain't plannin on comin out of that valley, or he wouldn't have brought his pony and his pipe and other truck."


"I got that feeling too" Taft confided. "Not much we can do but help him get there I guess, Doc Ward says there ain't no hope."

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I sat up and adjusted and Doc Wad asked me if I was in pain. " Just a bit." I answered. "Here" Doc said. "Sit on this. It'll help with the bouncing." Looks like a piller from a whorehouse, all fancy and stuff." Doc chuckled. "It is !" "So it is !" I replyed I watched the counrty fly by me. At 1st, I hated this land. Too many damn trees. Now, I liked it. Saw many things in those trees I hadn't seen before.



Grizz and Taft had gotten my paint pony for me. "Help me git my foot in da stirup." I asked. Grizz guided my left foot into place and walked around to the ponys head, strokeing it and held the reins as I moaned in pain. He looked at me with deep concern."Thought you didn't hear dat." Taft, setting in his saddle, cut me a look like I've never seen. "And you too, Taft." I spured my pony and rode out a little way, and smelling the sweet mountain air, I never knew just how sweet it could be.

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Hawk rode for a while and then opted to ride in the wagon with Mama Taft and the kids. The trip from Denver to Grizz's trading post went well, but all could tell it took alot out of Hawk. Grizz had wired his man at the store to have a wagon and horses ready when they arrived, Grizz didn't know if they'd stay the night in town before heading up to the valley or not, it all depended on how Hawk was doing.


As they neared the trading post, they saw a tall Appy pony tied to the rail.


"I seen that horse before" Grizz said "but danged if I remember whose it is, not anyone around here"


Hawk looked up. "Deja"


"Yeah, she had an Appy, dats right" Grizz said.


"No" Hawk said "Deja be on the porch"


Deja ran out and greeted them all with a laugh and a smile until she noticed the pain on Hawks face and a look of worry on everyone elses when Hawk went to get out of the wagon.


"What's wrong?" she asked. Hawk waved her off saying something about if was time to eat. She glanced to Taft and Grizz and got looks that said 'don't push it' so she let it drop. They all piled into the cafe nearly taking the place over.


Hawk smiled as he watched Taft's boys eat. When they asked for seconds Mama Taft started to scold them, but Hawk intervened, "let da boys eat, I like watching growin boys eat."


After the food was gone, the cook brought out two apple pies and one peach pie much to everyones delight. Mama Taft took the kids and their pie out to the porch so that the other's could make their plan for the next day.


"Got a right nice family there Taft" Grizz told him giving him a light punch in the arm. "Best watch out or I might just take them away from ya."


Angel put her arm's around Grizz's neck "do it and I'll kill ya before EE has a chance to!"


They all had a good laugh over than one. As the laughter died off, all eyes drifted over to Hawk. Angel excused herself and went out front with Mama Taft.


"I'll be good to go in the morning" he assured them. Grizz laid out the plan, they'd take the wagon out to his cabin where Mama Taft and the kids would stay with Angel, it would be tight, but the boys could probably sleep in the barn if need be. From there, Grizz, Hawk, Taft and Deja would head out.


"I reckon it'll take us about 4 hours from the cabin, can probably get my mountain wagon two hours along the way, after that we all ride."


Hawk nodded in agreement.


Deja was looking bewildered again and looked to each of them for a hint as to what the heck was going on. She'd gotten an idea that Hawk wasn't quite himself, but couldn't figure it out.


Hawk looked at Taft and Grizz "boys, why don't you go out and grab a smoke."

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I looked Taft in the eye, "You help me up and I'll join ya....after a little drink...just to dull da pain." We went outside and sat in rocking chairs, looking up at the stars, drawing in on a good ceegar, and blowwing out sweet smelling smoke.


"Know what you fellers where up to back der. Y'all want me to talk to Deja. It aint gonna happen. See, when a injun, breed or not knows....feels his or her end is near, it's a happy time. Going home to my ancestors. Deja, I just don't think she can handle it. I've lived a long and hopefully good life. Taft, remember dat time in Lordsburg, NM when we was lookin' fer ole Grizz here. Come to find out he was lookin' fer us at da same time !! And Grizz, member what you did dat got Angel so worked up she smacked da daylites out of ya ?" We all laughed a good belly laugh. And a pain shot through me.


"Grizz, wood ya be so kind as to git dat bottle off da table der and pour me a drink. Pain's gittin woreser. Hell, pour us all a drink. Think we all could use one. And Grizz, I'll have a steak, some fried taters and a buscuit. easy on da butter !!!" "Hawk, I aint now nor never will be yur dadgumed house maid ! I'll git the whiskey, but yur out of luck on the grub !!"


I took another pull on da ceegar. "Easy big feller...just pullin' yur leg a spell, dats all. Don't mean to git yur dander worked up. Sorry ifin' I did. Was not my intent. Just tryin' to lighten da mood just a bit." "Hawk, yur dieing and yur making jokes ?" Gizz harllowed out. "Maybe I am....maybe I aint. I beleive in wonderous things happen. Don't you?" I asked.


"Aint gitin no damn drinks Hawk...I'm gitting us the bottle !" With that Grizz disapperared into the building.

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Grizz went back in for the bottle and Deja was still sitting in the same place. She looked up at Grizz with hollow eyes "I know he's dying, we're going up to the high mountain for his last ride, aren't we?"


"I reckon so" Grizz said without much emotion. He knew if Deja started crying he could too.


Grizz steered away from her and got some clean glasses, when he walked back by her she reached out and grabbed his free hand. When his eyes caught hers the sparkle was back though along with a tear. "It's OK Grizzies, he won't be in pain much longer, it's just his time."


Grizz smiled a tired smile, "c'mon out and join us for a drink."


Deja grabbed her glass of lemonaid and followed Grizz outside. It was a warm night but there was a nice breeze blowing. Grizz filled the glasses and poured a splash of whiskey in the top of Deja's lemonaid.

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Good stuff y'all!


CC is plannin' on givin' me a call tomorrow. After that I'll try to put in some more in between some holster linin' I'm doin'.




~EE Taft~

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I took the glass from Grizz's hand and smiled a true smile and said "Thanks. Here's to good health and good friends !" I said asI raised my glass high in a toast. Taft, Deja, Grizz, and even Salis raised their glasses with mine and mubbled somethin. I threw the whiskey back and put the glass down on the outside table....lite another ceegar and took a long draw. Blowing the smoke into the night air, I saw a shooting star...I smiled just a little smile, but it didn't eseacpe Deja's keen eye. "Hawk, if you know something, you'd best share it with us." "Deja, it's just a old Apache sayin. You see a shootin' star, one life ends and nother starts..dats all."


I stood up, and swaded just a bit. Too much pain and whiskey", I thought. "Just goin' to da outhouse. Be rat back." I went back to the outhouse, noticing it was sitting in a differant spot. "New hole" I thought. Damned pain. I need nother drink." As I stepped out of the outhouse, takinf a few unsure steps, I felt a chill, just like ice water runing down my spine. I grabbed the side of the outhouse door to study myself. Some one or thing was watching me and was very close by. I turned slowly and looked through the trees but saw nothing. I walked back to my friends, stopping just in the darkness of Grizz's bussiness.And I listened intenly. " Why's Hawk dieing ? Why are we taking his finanal ride in the mountains ? He should be wanting his last ride in the desert. And what is with this last ride stuff anyway ?" Deja was asking every one there. "Doc Ward says he's too far gone to save, Deja. He would have to gut him like a fish. I sure would'nt want to live like that, and I'm sure you wouldn't want to also." Taft told her. "I don't care! Deja said, trying to be her old self. "Not one bit!" "None of us do." Grizz added.


"Well now folks, seems y'all all got somethin' to say to me, so git on wif it ! I'll have nother drink, ifin ya don't mind !" I said.

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Grizz looked around, no one spoke nor would they meet his eye save Hawk, who gave him a grimace of a smile and nodded.


Grizz stamped his cigar out on the dirt street and turned back to his friends. He didn't know if it was the strain of the last few days, the whiskey, or all of it, but he was feeling strange, tired, thoughtful, and even a little excited.


"Lots of things in this life I don't understand" he started, pausing to chose how to continue. "Life is a journey, and if yer lucky enough you have good friends to ride that trail with ya." Grizz cleared his throat and looked thoughtfully at each one there. "Taint much certain in this life, cept'n that one day we'll all die. How we spend the time before that is what matters. I'll ride tomorrow with Hawk because he is my friend, and because he asked me to. I don't know what is in store for us up in that valley, but that don't much matter to me."


Deja looked a bit alarmed "but Hawk is going to..." her voice faltered and trailed off. 'Maybe adding that whiskey to her lemonaid wasn't such a good idea' Grizz thought.


"Yes, is likely I won't be coming back" Hawk said, "dat is true 'nuff. But if it is my time, the great spirit can have me, and I'm excited to see what lies on the other side." Hawk shifted in his chair trying to get comfortable. "Don't fret none for me, for on the other side I won't have no more pain, always thought some bandito or jealous husband would be the one to do me in tho." Hawk said with a chuckle and a wink.


Taft wiped away a tear and stood up. "Hell, ain't the first time we rode in hell bent for leather not knowing what was in store." He leaned down and put his hand on Hawks shoulder. "I'll ride with ya pard." Taft grabbed the bottle and poured some in each glass, then raised his, "to friendship!"


Grizz threw his drink back and set the glass down. "We got some miles to cover tomorrow, we'd best get some sleep."

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"Thanks fellers, but dis is somethin' I gotta do alone. It's a trail I must ride along. We all must ride dis ride at some time or nother. Now is just my time. Here's to good friends ! I said, lefting my glass high. "Now, Grizz, ifin' you'd be so kind, saddle my paint and I'll be on my way."


Grizz sighed a heavy sigh and nodded ok without looking me in the eye. "Don't do this Hawk" Taft said. "Let us ride with you." "Cant do dat, my friend. It's best dis way." Deja took hold of my arm, and I looked at her tear filled eyes and I told her, "It'll be all right."


I took one pistol with just one bulletin it. "To end it quick" I thought. I rode in the darkest of night, letting the paint have have it rein as I have so many times in the past. The paint stopped in a clearing. I un-saddled it and let him run free. I stripped out of these white man clothes and put on Apache clothes...loin cloth, mocs...headband. I built a small fire and said, "Ok. Let's git on wif it !!"


I saw something moving in the woods and thinking this is it. That's all I remember till......


Nights turned into weeks. Grizz, Taft and Deja could see the small fire from Grizz's trading post. Each night they could hear Hawk chantting, over and over again. Weeks slipped into months, yet the fire still burned. Then one night, they where talking together, they heard a shot ring out in the night. "Well...It's over. Farewell my friend." Taft said out loud. Then a cry....but not a cry. More like a scream, but not animal nor human. The next night the fire had moved and was much, much larger and faded out.


The next morning Grizz was out walking Hope before opening his trading post when he saw a figure in the shadows. "Grizz.....Grizz....you gonna open that tradin' post or leave a feller out here to freeze ?" "No....it could'nt be....you're dead.....Hawk....is that you?"

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Well, see'in as how this thing is kinda wrapping up, and seein as how I've had an ending rattling around in my brain for a while now, I reckon I'd best get it out, i only got so many brain cells left after my wasted youth, wouldn't want to bog them down too much...


Alternate ending....


Grizz had trouble sleeping and finally decided to just go down and get the horses and wagon ready. As he rounded the corral post he saw the glow of a cigar back by the tack shed door.


"Bout time Grizz" Taft called out.


Grizz laughed. "reckon so"


By the time Deja and Hawk were up and around, Grizz and Taft had all the horses saddled and the wagon and team ready to go. Grizz's hired man at the trading post had left the day before to go tend to his ailing mother in Kansas, so it was decided that Angel would stay in town along with Mama Taft and the kids. Angel could keep the trading post open that way, at least for a few hours during the day.


As they all swung up into the saddle Mama Taft came out with a bag of grub "fresh biscuit egg and bacon sandwiches" she said.


With the wagon, it was about an hour to Grizz's cabin. They rode in silence for the most part and ate the grub Mama Taft had provided. Hawk rode in the back of the wagon holding the pup and soothing it as the bouncing around was making it uneasy. Hawks paint pony trailed along behind the wagon tied on by the reins. It was a beautiful bridle Grizz though, nice leather with turquoise and silver conchos. He'd always meant to ask Hawk where he'd gotten it, but now just didn't seem to be the time.


They stopped at Grizz's cabin just long enough to change out the buckboard wagon for Grizz's mountain wagon, it was narrower for the trails and sprung tighter. While they were there Hawk rested inside and came back out dressed in his buckskins. After two more hours on the trail they had to leave that wagon as well, for the trail was getting narrow and steep. Hawk stepped into the saddle of his pony from the wagon, carefully lacing the whore house pillow Doc Ward had given him so as to cushion himself as much as possible. They turned out the team, they'd find their way home and Grizz would come back for the wagon later.


"We'll stop for lunch at my claim" Grizz said and then led off. Hawk was behind him, then Deja with Taft bringing up the rear. Deja and Taft kept a close eye on Hawk, he had to be in alot of pain, but you wouldn't know it to see him ride, unless you knew him as well as they did.


The claim was just how Grizz had left it. They stopped and built a fire and had some food, though none were really very hungry. It was Hawk who finally broke the silence "burnin daylight" was all he said as he stood up and walked towards the horses. When Hawk got to his pony he unhookeed the cinch and dumped the saddle off. He moved the pony to the downhill side of the side hill, grabbed a handful of mane and launched himself up onto the horses back. He pulled up his medicine bag from the horse neck and pulled out some smaller pouches and painted his face. With some effort he leaned down and retrieved his rifle from the scabbard on his saddle now on the ground at the horses feet. It wasn't one of his newer rifles, it was a well worn 73 adorned with brass tacks in stock and feathers tied to the fore end.


As the rest swung up into their saddles they took in the sight of Hawk, proudly sitting his pony bareback in full Indian trappings.


Grizz led off again and they dropped into that hidden mountain valley a few minutes later. As they made their way to the campsite Taft's eyes were wide in awe of the beauty of the place.


At the campsite Hawk waited for Grizz to tie off the pony to a tree branch, but refused Taft's help as he slid gingerly off the horses back, using his rifle to steady himself.


No one spoke, there was nothing else to say. On the ride up Hawk had given them instructions to turn the pony free and to build a funeral pyre and burn his carcass when he was gone. They'd asked how they would know, he'd just told them 'you will know."


Starting with Taft Hawk came to each of them, first shaking thier hands, then giving them the Indian hand sign for 'go in peace.'


As they rode off, Grizz looked back to regard his old friend who was watching them go. He stopped, dropped the reins and returned the hand sign and said softly 'go in peace my old friend'.


They made camp back at Grizz's claim and waited. That evening they could hear the paint sounds of chanting filtering down the valley. For the next two days they filled the time as best they could, playing cards, telling stories, fishing in the creek and Grizz had worked a bit panning for gold with Taft. Each day, morning and evening they heard that same erie sound of chanting wafting down the canyon.


On the morning of the third day, the sound of chanting came no more. They lingered around the fire waiting to hear what was not there, and what would never come.


Mid morning they saw a hawk circle three times and then fly off for the devide.


Grizz saddled his horse "I reckon it's done, his pain is gone, lets go tend to his last wishes." They put out the fire and quickly broke camp and rode back up to that high mountain valley.


When they got to the campsite, the fire was still smoldering, but Hawk wasn't there. The fine leather bridle with turquoise and silver conchos hung from the tree where Grizz had tied the pony, but the pony was gone as well. They searched until nightfall all through the valley but could find no sign of Hawk, the pony, or even any tracks.


They made camp there that night, though none of them could sleep, the questions with no answers would not let them. Well before dawn they headed out, Grizz pausing to retrieve the bridle from the tree limb while Taft put out the fire.


For the most part they rode in silence at they headed back to town. Every so often one of them would start to speak "Well maybe he..." but they would trail off, knowing that each idea was even sillier than the last. As they rode, each in turn dozed off for a spell, Grizz dreamed of that hawk, of the approaching dawn, and of the new fresh life and wildflowers and each spring brought. When he woke, his mood was brighter along with the growing light from the dawn.


There was no reason to stop at the cabin for they took a different route that would get them back to town quicker. The dawn was fully breaking when they came out of the pines at the edge of town. The back and side of Grizz's trading post was the first building to come into view. And on the hitching rail at the side of the store was tied a horse.


As they got closer, they could see it was a paint horse. "What in the hell? That's Hawks horse!" Taft exclaimed as he kicked his horse and galloped towards the store followed by Grizz and Deja. As they skidded up to the rail each was out of the saddle before the horses even stopped. They looked over the horse, it was indeed Hawk's paint pony, it was tied to the rail with a bridle and reins made from braided horse hair, adorned with bits of animal bone.


Suddenly with the smell of cigar smoke they realized they were not alone. Before they could turn and look, a familiar voice called out "what's a guy gotta do to get a hot meal around this place?"

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" Y'all can pick yur jaws up out of da mud and git some food ready or what ?" Deja and Taft came running up to me and huggedme as only friends can do. Deja looked up at me and said in Lakota, "Welcome back brother." and I replyed in Lakota, which surpized her..."It is good." Grizz just stood there, not knowing what to say, Hope came up to me, barking happly, tail wanging. I offered my hand to Taft and he took it, skaking it vegoursly.


I picked up my brass tack, well worn 73 and walked...slowly toward Grizz. He quickly draw his colt and pointed it in my direction. "You stop right there, you injun. You aint welcome here till ya tell me what ya did to Hawk's body ! Whar is it ! " he shouted. I replyed, "It's standing in front of you Grizz....all healed..whole...complete ! And a damn site hungery !!" I advanced one step towards him and he cocked that colt. It should have sent fear racing up and down my spine, but it didn't. I stopped right there, waiting for the next thing to happen. Grizz almost shoutly now, "Remember what we did as Texas Rangers, tell me do ya ?" I laughed a belly laugh, which hurt a little, but replyed, "You know vey well we never whar Texas Rangers.... Arizona Rangers wood be more like it Grizz. Now can we please eat ? I'm hungery !"


Grizz, lowerd that colt and said "Hawk...it is you !" We skoke hands and patted each other's back. Grizz walked into his trading post shouting "Angel....Angel...look who's back !" She stepped out of the kicthen and looked as though she had seen a ghost. Her hands covered her mouth, crying, and shaking her head. She ran to me, mubbleing something in Mexican, which I will not repeat.


Her man Grizz was back, Hawk, Deja, and Taft with his clan was back. There was a new spring in her step and Grizz watched her with pride in his big ole heart. When Angel returned, she had a big pot of coffee and Mama Taft had some fresh bisciuts and bear bacon.


To me, this is my clan. This is my heaven..........


(But the story goes on folks ......)

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