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Why the Cowboy Code Is Not Frivolous

Guest Paniolo Cowboy SASS #75875

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Guest Paniolo Cowboy SASS #75875

I read this article and thought it was really well done. I hope you enjoy reading it.


Why the Cowboy Code Is Not Frivolous

By Patrick Dorinson


Published February 10, 2011 | FoxNews.com


"A man’s got to have a code, a creed to live by, no matter his job." -- John Wayne


The other day the Montana State Senate passed SB 216 sponsored by rancher and Senate President Jim Peterson. The bill is simple and direct and it doesn’t cost the taxpayers a dime. SB 216 would adopt The Code of the West from the book "Cowboy Ethics" and make it the official Montana Code.


"Cowboy Ethics" was written by James Owen, an investment professional who after Enron and the other Wall Street scandals of a few years ago, decided it was time to take a good look at what we had become as a society and individuals. Like me he has a great deal of respect and admiration for the iconic American cowboy and the cowboy way of life.


He came up with his "Code of the West" which states some simple common sense principles that not just cowboys but all of us should try to live by.


The code includes admonitions such as "Live each day with courage," "Be tough, but fair," "Ride for the brand," and "Know where to draw the line."


Montana Governor Schweitzer has said he will veto any frivolous legislation. I guess he consider ethics "frivolous." He wants the legislature to focus on important things like jobs and a budget shortfall. He’s right that those things are extremely important. But the ethics and values deficit in this country is just as important as the fiscal and financial deficits.-- If life is just about dollars and cents then we are in bigger trouble than I thought.


Somewhere along the line we forgot these basic values and replaced them with a self-centered "grab all you can and forget the consequences" attitude and situational ethics.


Children cheat on tests and think it is not only okay but is a path to success.


In 2002 a study by Rutgers University found that cheating was rampant and in many cases accepted behavior among students. The director of the study said "I think kids today are looking to adults and society for a moral compass and when they see the behavior occurring there, they don't understand why they should be held to a higher standard."


If that is how our young people see the world Lord help us.


One student said,” I actually think cheating is good. A person who has an entirely honest life can't succeed these days."


Another student in the survey said, "What's important is getting ahead. The better grades you have, the better school you get into, the better you're going to do in life. And if you learn to cut corners to do that, you're going to be saving yourself time and energy. In the real world, that's what's going to be going on. The better you do, that's what shows. It's not how moral you were in getting there."


She was 17 at the time and by my ciphering she would be around 26 now. With an attitude like that she should run for Congress.


And I can’t imagine things have improved since 2002 and my guess is that they have gotten worse.


Some politicians cheat on their wives. If a man will cheat on his wife what do you think he will do to the folks that elected him?


Bad behavior in public life will more likely land you a book deal, a reality TV show or a spot on Oprah than the consternation of society. You want proof?


Disgraced former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer romped with hookers and he now has a television show on CNN.


By the way hookers are now called "escorts" and they have become a part of mainstream popular culture thanks to Spitzer and actor Charlie Sheen.


And while the collapse of the housing market has many causes one big one was that some unscrupulous lenders approved loans although they knew the borrowers could not afford them. By the way the borrowers also knew they couldn’t afford them as well and now some of them just walk away from their obligations.


Now that's a great example for the kids, isn't it?


Some folks might say I’m “naïve” or “old fashioned” or that “times have changed and I need to get with it” whatever “it” is.


Maybe so.


But when a nation forgets the values that made the country strong and discards its ethical compass as “outdated” that nation could be at its end.


And if not the end you sure as Hell can see it from here.


---end of article.


Here is the list of Jim Owen's idea for the Ten Principles To Live By:


1 Live each day with courage


2 Take pride in your work


3 Always finish what you start


4 Do what has to be done


5 Be tough, but fair

6 When you make a promise, keep it


7 Ride for the brand


8 Talk less and say more


9 Remember that some things aren't for sale


10 Know where to draw the line





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Yup, I don't have a problem with any of those.

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Great Thread I love Montana. I have Always admired the Gun laws or I should say lackof Laws. I would live there in a sec if i didnt have Arthritis. The COld would kill me but anywa its awesome ,albeit not very acurate, that GVT sees the value in our "Cowboy Way"

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The word gets around. This was in our local paper this week:


"It was all about the latest farm equipment, unique farming innovations and “cowboy ethics” at the seventh annual Southwest Farm and Ranch Classic — one of the largest Lubbock agriculture events benefitting farmers preparing for the 2011 growing season.




Jim Owen — a motivational speaker, author and founder of the Center for Cowboy Ethics and Leadership — encouraged his audience of about 200 people to adopt the ways of the cowboy.


He said cowboys carried themselves with humility, courage, honor and a hard-working attitude — principles that American businesses, governments and communities need more than ever.


Owen’s “Stand Tall in an Upside-Down World” message and 10 “Code of the West” principles resounded well with the audience, especially since many felt those are core beliefs of the South Plains."




Pasted from <http://lubbockonline.com/agriculture/2011-02-09/farm-show-kickoff-showcases-new-technology-cowboy-ethics>





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