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Bubble Wrap...

Deja Vous

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K... so really if I was just a childish kinda person I would be uhh... just popping the bubbles in bubble wrap, like say by taking off my socks and poking them... lol... But not me.. nope,... I am coming up with costume ideas for our TSA folks to make their jobs so much easier.. lol You know that stuff would make you sweat under a hot light, huh? lol





Gonna send da rest of da day and ost of da night tryin' to wipe dat mental picture from what little mind I've got left !!!!!! :D


I gotz some bubble wrap with bubbles as big as my head (and that's purdy big!)


They sound like a shotgun goin' off!


You would have lots of fun with them.


~EE (note to self: send Deja a whole box of MEGA bubbles) Taft~


Ya know... it just occurs to me... there's a BUNCH o' folks I just plumb wouldn't care to see wrapped in bubble wrap... :D


Quick! Somebody invent opaque bubble wrap!!! :FlagAm:

A rootbeer float can't be beat!


Now... have ya ever had one made with both home-made ice cream AND home-made root beer...? ;)


Nope, I have not. I have had home-made ice cream, but never the root beer.. I bet it is good....

I gotz some bubble wrap with bubbles as big as my head (and that's purdy big!)


They sound like a shotgun goin' off!


You would have lots of fun with them.


~EE (note to self: send Deja a whole box of MEGA bubbles) Taft~


Hey.. Ees... you must have been busy with that sweet family of yours!! Nice to see you back... Bubbles, yeah, I do love bubbles, even bubble wrap.. lol

Ooops... hiccup!

Kinda seems like you got pretty excited about that last post? lol,.

K.. so... ah..... is there a duct tape day? lol




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