BlackhawkPaul Posted December 17, 2010 Posted December 17, 2010 I also use a MEC brass base resizer and keep squashing that brass base until it fits well though the resizer. The tester has holes for all shotshell brass base sizes.
Gateway Kid SASS# 70038 Life Posted December 18, 2010 Posted December 18, 2010 I also use a MEC brass base resizer and keep squashing that brass base until it fits well though the resizer. The tester has holes for all shotshell brass base sizes. Bought a very nice SKB from a well known gunsmith. took it to a shoot this summer and had one failure to extract after another. Had previously had no problems with my Stoegers and was a little upset. Borrowed a case checker from TL (Cowboys and Indians - good guy ) found about 10 more rounds that would not fall out smoothly. He said to check my press (MEC Sizemaster) and sure enough the resizing assembly has a large nut on the bottom of the press and it was laying in the old primer tray. Red faced I reset the adjustment, bought my own case guage, and check every round now. LIfe is very good again !! Regards Gateway Kid
Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933 Posted December 18, 2010 Posted December 18, 2010 Drop test all the ammo for your double in the gun you will be shooting them in. Best gauge there is. If they don't drop freely in and out, put them in the practice box.
Rio Brazos Kid Posted December 18, 2010 Posted December 18, 2010 No I don't use a MEC size checker, but I do set my 12 ga. sizing collet with the use of a Dial Indicator. A Factory shell will measure approx .802, and I add .005 to that, and resize to .807. This sizing will fit every shotgun I have ever seen, and has for the past 20 some odd years. Sizing any smaller than that can and will damage the collet in a short while, and then it will have to be replaced. Set at this dimension, they last indefinitely. This is true of ALL gauges. Measure a Factory shell and add .005 for a sizing measurement. Works perfectly. RBK
Jefro, SASS#69420 Posted December 18, 2010 Posted December 18, 2010 Nope, I reload on a Mec Grabber, seems to a good job resizing. Jefro
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