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MEC shotshell base size checker - Do you use one?


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I also use a MEC brass base resizer and keep squashing that brass base until it fits well though the resizer. The tester has holes for all shotshell brass base sizes.


Bought a very nice SKB from a well known gunsmith. took it to a shoot this summer and had one failure to extract after another. Had previously had no problems with my Stoegers and was a little upset. Borrowed a case checker from TL (Cowboys and Indians - good guy :rolleyes: ) found about 10 more rounds that would not fall out smoothly. He said to check my press (MEC Sizemaster) and sure enough the resizing assembly has a large nut on the bottom of the press and it was laying in the old primer tray. Red faced I reset the adjustment, bought my own case guage, and check every round now. LIfe is very good again :rolleyes: !!






Gateway Kid


No I don't use a MEC size checker, but I do set my 12 ga. sizing collet with the use of a Dial Indicator. A Factory shell will measure approx .802, and I add .005 to that, and resize to .807. This sizing will fit every shotgun I have ever seen, and has for the past 20 some odd years. Sizing any smaller than that can and will damage the collet in a short while, and then it will have to be replaced. Set at this dimension, they last indefinitely.


This is true of ALL gauges. Measure a Factory shell and add .005 for a sizing measurement. Works perfectly.




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