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Mister Badly

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    Oak Ridge Outlaws

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    Outlaw Jedi Gunfighter #322

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SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. I've been shooting 1145 fps shells from the hip. I wrap my trigger finger with rubber tape at/below the second knuckle in case I have a light grip on the stock. The trigger guard can bite.
  2. Many Moose Lodges allow camping. Mine has a gun range.
  3. There it is. A choice between two evils. Thank you for your service sir.
  4. Those pilots knew they stood a good chance of being shot down on those missions into North Vietnam due to the rules of engagement. The bone spur in chief has no respect for our patriots.
  5. https://www.politico.com/story/2015/07/trump-attacks-mccain-i-like-people-who-werent-captured-120317
  6. Thanks for adding context and clarifications to the ramblings of a crazy old man. And I ain't talking about Biden. If he loses this time can we run someone else in 2028?
  7. The range has a level wide open layout. Plenty of room to hang out with other shooters and visitors.
  8. Always keep a low tech vehicle just in case.
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