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    Old Fort Parker Patriots, Oak wood Outlaws, Comanche Valley Vigilantes and Loan Star Frontier Shooting

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    Waco Tx
  • Interests
    Family,Shooting, Hunting, Woodworking

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  1. I will take it let me know the total with shipping and where to send funds
  2. Know it's a long shot but before I go to Gunbroker thought I'd check Uberti 357/38 Straight Stock 18'' Barrel prefer one that has not been worked on in new condition but will consider all based on price.
  3. Mordecai if you don't find a buyer at Land Let me know and we might be able to make a deal and do a FTF and Loan Star.
  4. I would trade for it,, but the only item I have to trade is a NIB Athlon Cronus ATS 35-400 Thermal Monocular. MSRP $1874.

    Long shot I know, but it's what I have.

    Thanks and good luck on the rifle.


    1. rmurphy92


      Thank for the offer but purchased a rifle so only interested in selling it now.

    2. captqueeze


      I completely understand; I have the same situation with a HIgh Wall in 38-55; popular shooting iron but nobody has any money at this time.

  5. Yosemite, First of all do not want to but in on any deal but if Don did not take them I would be interested. rjmurphy1992@gmail.com Thank yiu

  6. Found Thank you

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