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Boulder Canyon Bob# 32052L

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Status Updates posted by Boulder Canyon Bob# 32052L

  1. Have a local former Remington Marlin worker her and according to him, the 1895 uses the same screw, so i went on line and found they have them in stock for $4, alsoJack First in Rapid City (where I live) now has stainless steelones in stock, there is a guy on Gunbroker who makes his own and finally there are some used ones on EBAY. Good Luck

  2. What are you asking for them? Thanks

  3. Evil, here is our logo. You saud you might be able to come up with something for clean match awards.



  4. Hey Allie, all of a sudden I can't see the TG Wire, I'm logged in, but don't see it. What gives?

  5. If you'd be interested in sharing, I'd sure like the plans for the plate rack for our club in South Dakota.



    1. Jackaroo, # 29989

      Jackaroo, # 29989

      Sent them, but still trying to locate the actual plate sizes,....stand by?

    2. Boulder Canyon Bob# 32052L
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