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Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

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Everything posted by Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

  1. It wasn't that bad. I've dealt with worse. The hardest part was getting the trigger where it was supposed to go. While I didn't disassemble the trigger group, I did remove it from the frame. I really needed to get all that rust and goo out of it. When I first got it, it was so gummed up that when you pulled the trigger, the hammer just slooooowly moved. Now, everything works, it's just that front sight.
  2. Read that one. Mine is a similar model, but the aluminum frame has a painted type finish, and the barrel and cylinder blued. Here's the Gunbroker pic. It cleaned to to look a LOT nicer than it looks here. Probably why I got it cheap. I got all the rust off and cleaned a lot of gunk both from inside and out. It's a nice little gun, but I really need to straighten the barrel out.
  3. Anybody here know much about these guns? I recently picked one up on Gunbroker, and while it works okay, the barrel has rotated in the frame to the point that the front sight is visibly right of center. From what I've read, the barrel is a press fit to the frame. The frame is an aluminum alloy, while the barrel is steel. The frame is heated and the barrel cooled until they can be assembled. Then a crosspin holds the barrel in place. Anybody ever disassembled one? I like this little gun, but I have to aim at the right edge of a paper plate to hit the left side of it. Being a cheap guy, I really don't want to spend a couple hundred bucks having a Gunsmith fix it if I can do it myself. I'm hoping that I can heat the frame with a heat gun enough to rotate the barrel straight. What say you?
  4. naaahh ............ wrong Cardassions .... That's better.
  5. Same here. No, I'm good.
  6. It does look a bit dirty, but if it shoots good I wouldn't let that stop me.
  7. The only thing I get on fakebook for is the Marketplace. I swear that most of the people there are dumb as a box of hair. I see something I'm interested in, Message the seller, and don't hear back from them. Mostly for days, sometimes EVER. I can see that they've seen my reply, but they don't reply back. My thought is that if they have something listed that they want to sell, they'd get back to me. If they finally do, I'll ask where and when I can see the item, meaning I need a date, time, and address to meet them, and I get back something like, "I'm on the South side." I want to message back, "Well that's real helpful", but I figure that they'll be too stupid to figure out what I mean. There HAVE been a few positive experiences there. Just last week I got my daughter an entertainment center off there. The whole transaction took less that three hours from first seeing it to unloading it at her place. But mostly dumbasses.
  8. At 18 I bought a used Winchester 170. Similar to the Marlin 60, tube fed .22 semi auto. I don't remember what I did with it, but it's long gone. First handgun was a Ruger Security Six marked, "Made in the 200th Year of American Liberty". Later, I traded it for a Colt Commander. That one got stolen.
  9. My sentiments exactly. I've made no secret that I have no interest in watching sports. The rabid fandom of so many people about such things is one of the factors that drive me from it. My wife and I spent the day watching Youtube videos on the T.V. The only positive thing that I take from the game being over is that I don't have to hear about it for the next eleven months. "Rowdy Eagles Fans Clash with Police, Destroy Property as Super Bowl Chaos Descends on Philly" Story here: https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2025/02/09/watch-rowdy-eagles-fans-clash-with-police-destroy-property-as-super-bowl-chaos-descends-on-philly/
  10. I would venture to guess that very few people are actually writing a paper check. My wife and I have separate "checking" accounts, though neither one of us has ever written a check. It's all done online or with a debit card these days. Our accounts are linked to where either one of us can transfer funds between them, and our daughter's debit account is linked to my wife's. If our daughter needs money, (car repair, or some other unexpected expense), my wife can simply transfer her money to our daughter, or I can transfer money to my wife, then she can transfer it to our daughter. Our daughter then pays it with her debit card.
  11. While I wouldn't say it's common, it's not unusual, if that makes sense. I don't see it every day, but often enough that it doesn't raise any eyebrows. Well, except for the tourists. But even they don't get upset, they just want to know what the legal status is, (are you a Cop?, do you need a permit?, etc.) As for holsters, Sawhorse Kid has it covered, I've seen cheap nylon, leather, kydex, just about anything you can imagine.
  12. Here in Arizona, in 30 years of Open carrying, I've only had one or two people act negatively toward me when they saw my gun. I caught more crap for not wearing a mask during the Zombie Apocalypse. Yesterday at a Walmart, I had two people compliment me on my gun, and another lady came up and THANKED me for carrying it.
  13. I think that you have it backwards, Blackwater. Government Mileage Standards caused car manufacturers to start all the electronics and emissions stuff that has been added in the last forty/fifty years. If I were a betting man, I'd bet that the manufacturers were perfectly happy with people tearing their cars up and having to replace them every few years. Most people STILL don't take care of their cars. They just put gas in it and go. When something inevitably DOES go wrong, they blame manufacturers and/or the Government for making their cars so complicated. Anybody younger than about 60 doesn't remember the days of 10,000 mile tune ups, changing points, plugs, and condensers, setting timing, or adjusting the carb. They just expect a car to not need anything for a couple 100,000 miles.
  14. I'm going to go a different direction than everybody else: I open carry. It's perfectly legal and done often enough that it doesn't bother anybody. In fact, I almost always get complimented on it. I'm not trying to start the Open Carry Vs CCW argument, just adding to the conversation. I'm a fat guy, at 5' 10" and nearly 300lbs. As you can imagine, unless I wear a tent, CCW is not easy OR comfortable, (the much vaunted Appendix Carry would probably Gut me), so I rarely do. When I do, I carry a Taurus 85, (.38, J frame size), pretty near Small of the Back, butt facing outward. This is under a vest, and it works well for me. Sometimes a simple Pocket Carry if I'm just running a quick errand.
  15. If they didn't plan on showing her at every opportunity, the Chiefs wouldn't have gotten all those "questionable" calls that got them TO the game.
  16. Golden Corral has a "on Request" omelet station. They'll make whatever you want.
  17. Super Bowl, is that today? 💩
  18. We go to Golden Corral every now and again. Foods decent, but it's gotten to the point that I just don't eat enough anymore to justify the cost. And when we do go, we try to time it so that it's not crowded. I hate crowds too.
  19. I always told them, "You're just saying that because you don't know me."
  20. So how's me finishing up MY supper gonna help them?
  21. I stand corrected.
  22. Actually it is total B.S. That story has been around since at least the '70s. I had heard it since before I moved to Arizona in '90. Mythbusters tried to duplicate it and could not, even with a ramp.
  23. The Beatniks finally had to get jobs and become contributing members of society.
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