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Dusty Chaps, SASS #5925

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Everything posted by Dusty Chaps, SASS #5925

  1. by the way, the Schofield round works flawlessly both in my Marlin Cowboy and Marlin early 94
  2. I can use the .38 Short Colt - use them for the cowgirl in her Stallions. Nunio Binez: very generous offer, pard. I'll find something to offer!!
  3. Dusty Chaps SASS 5925 Life Southern California Since about 1998 including 10+ years mounted shooting.
  4. Hi Modoc. Thanks for the invitation.

    I MAY still be here Saturday. Is that when you guys shoot in Redding?

    I visited a couple local gun stores today: Jones Fort and Bastiani's (spelling?)

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