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Everything posted by DocWard

  1. If you sent out a distress signal at sea and this responded? https://www.gotheborg.se/en/news/rescue-of-sailing-boat/
  2. They and you will be in my thoughts and meditations.
  3. ? and The Mysterians The Kings (Canadian Band) The McCoys The Kingsmen
  4. If you go on YouTube much, search for a channel called "the charismatic voice." It's an award winning professional opera singer and voice teacher who does reaction / analysis videos of different rock acts. She has done several videos featuring Heart, and if she's to be believed, yeah, Ann Wilson is pretty good. (understatement)
  5. Don’t forget Invaders were also used in Vietnam. https://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/Visit/Museum-Exhibits/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/196070/douglas-b-26k-a-26-counter-invader/
  6. Since you seem to not know the story of “Old 666” and Zeamer’s Eager Beavers, let me tell you about them. Grab a beverage and enjoy: https://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/Visit/Museum-Exhibits/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/196216/zeamer-and-the-eager-beavers/ There are a couple of books on the subject as well.
  7. Not so much when flying alone and attacked by a horde of zeros and afterward.
  8. I think Peter Gabriel era Genesis and Rush post John Rutsey might vie for some credit on the prog rock scene.
  9. That might have been the A-26, later changed to B-26, Invader. Many were turned into corporate aircraft later.
  10. I was going to add Genesis, The Monkees, and Bowie this morning. Good calls all the way around.
  11. The aircraft initially earned a bad reputation due to its necessarily high approach speeds, among other things. Interestingly, MOH recipient Jay Zeamer Jr. failed to check out as pilot in command of B-26s. He had no such problems with B-17s.
  12. I also haven't seen Jay and the Americans mentioned.
  13. Absolutely! Watch them live doing 'Crazy On You' or 'Barracuda' back in the day, or their cover of 'Stairway to Heaven' in honor of Led Zeppelin at the Kennedy Center Honors more recently, and it leaves little doubt as to their talent.
  14. I build scale models, and follow a couple of model building pages on Facebook. This is a picture of a P-39 at a contest recently. Something about it caught my eye, but I can't quite put my finger on it...
  15. Reilly’s Luck. Sorry, it would bothered me
  16. Very nice! Nothing wrong with an Epiphone. My Epiphone Les Paul has some minor differences from it’s Gibson brothers, but for most of us, we wouldn’t notice unless pointed out.
  17. Tell him thanks for me, and there's no reason to wait!
  18. This morning, after much studying, I sat for and passed the exam to earn my Extra class license in amateur radio. My daughter, Rachel, also passed hers. That puts us at the top, licensure-wise, although I still feel very much like a beginner, and I know I have much to learn. Like any other endeavor worth the effort, one never really stops learning or improving. As for the "until" in the title, there is one more test to pass, to become a volunteer examiner (VE), but I'm being told it is quite easy, and mostly a formality so one can help others into the world of amateur radio. 73, KE8PHY/AE
  19. Not at all. The rifle that is said to have taken down Patrick Ferguson at King’s Mountain was named “Sweet Lips.” They should be named for a girl, though. Unless owned by a girl, then I’m not sure what the na mi protocol is.
  20. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/40bd903d-bb06-4b36-9d66-bde3d279a33f
  21. No photos of the eclipse, but I had a great seat. Traffic stopped as it neared totality, and I was able to view it. I could make out one prominence. I did get a picture of my truck complete with antenna and "EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS" magnetic sign attached.
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