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Everything posted by DocWard

  1. Now I know why Latin is a dead language.
  2. A Safe, Healthy and Happy New Year to everyone!
  3. I ran across this one of our Border Collie, Piper, who has since passed, keeping watch over the newborn kitten that my daughter brought home after he appeared to be abandoned by his mother. He still had his umbilical attached when he came home, and we were told he likely wouldn't survive. He did, his name is Fred. Piper was very concerned and protective, often laying close to the tub we had him in.
  4. It doesn't appear I ever answered this question. I always think of navy blue being very dark, while 'Devil Dog' is a deep blue, close to the blue of the Blue Angels.
  5. Just sitting here watching and listening to music videos on YouTube (Yes, I do miss the MTV of old!), and came across this. What amazing talent.
  6. Rest in peace, Mr. President.
  7. One of a number of MoH recipients from the 37th Division in WWII. Not bad for the National Guard. Interesting note: The transport in Robert Heinlein's book, Starship Troopers was named the Rodger Young.
  8. But a 4x4 can be either.
  9. Thank you, my friend.
  10. A Merry Christmas to you and yours.
  11. Seems I'm up early. I've had a first cup of coffee, and waiting for my youngest daughter to arrive so we can open gifts. I'll forego my usual "explanation of things" for now, and simply wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I hope it is joyful for all, and that all are safe.
  12. Merry Christmas to you and your family! Merry Christmas to all!
  13. I've been to too many good concerts to pick a "best." A few that come to mind that are favorites are, in no particular order: Rush in 1984, and in 2002. The other times I've seen the band were pretty awesome, but these stand out. Iron Maiden in 1982. They opened for The Scorpions, and were the better band. Michael Feinstein in 1990. Intimate setting, with a lot of insight into the Gershwins. Robert Plant and Alison Krauss last year. I cannot say enough about this concert. Worst, KISS circa 1991. Unimpressed puts it mildly.
  14. Fixed it for you! Our Olive was quite real, believe me. Got her as a pup before I wen't on deployment, and took her a long time to warm up to me when I got back. She was definitely a one person dog, and was jealous and protective of my wife. She had the classic Jack Russell attitude though. She would chase a frisbee or a tennis ball until my arm ached.
  15. There's actually a children's book about a Jack Russell named Olive who hears "Olive, the other reindeer" and thinks she must be a reindeer. The resemblance of our first Jack Russell is how she got her name.
  16. I saw the title and thought to myself, "Every day is National Coffee Day." I was correct.
  17. That one always puts a bit of a lump in my throat. Thank you to all who have kept the watch, and all who continue to do so.
  18. I enjoy almost all Christmas music, especially traditional carols. My junior and senior years, I was in my high school choral ensemble and we would perform out many times over the course of the season, and it was always a great time. I will admit it can also make me melancholy, because a few years after we graduated, my ensemble partner was murdered. When we were out, people would always guess us to be a couple because we were so close as friends, but we were one of the few that weren't dating. At any rate, I like Christmas music. A Wexford Carol has already been mentioned, and it is simply amazing. I performed this in choir in college a couple of times, and always enjoyed it Another of my favorites: Then when it comes to "alternatives" I am a fan of Gary Hoey.
  19. For the past few years, I've had this for breakfast: https://www.bobsredmill.com/old-country-style-muesli.html I have it with low fat milk, some blueberries, strawberries and a bit of maple syrup I get off the shelf at my local grocery. Sometimes if I see some at a farmer's market I will pick it up, just because. I also use it on the obvious things like pancakes, waffles, french toast and the like. I much prefer it to the "table syrups" available.
  20. My deepest condolences. We wouldn't hurt so bad at their passing if they didn't mean so much to us.
  21. Happy Rohatsu, or Bodhi Day, everyone. For those that don't know, today is the observation of the enlightenment of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha. Rohatsu translates from Japanese as "the eighth day of the twelfth month," and for Zen and many Western Buddhists, is observed on December 8 every year. For those that follow the lunar calendar, it moves from year to year. Maybe someday I will have the time, energy and wherewithal to do a week long sesshin, which is a meditation retreat. For now, I'm content with observing the day.
  22. Thanks for the small lump I have in my throat now.
  23. B-25J Mitchell "Devil Dog" taken a couple of years back at Grimes Field in Urbana, Ohio. I changed the photo to black and white for a Facebook thing, and really like the result.
  24. Terriers recharging their batteries.
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