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Cypress Sun

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Everything posted by Cypress Sun

  1. I haven't shot a match in well over a year. My Dad got me into it in 1997, joined in Jan 1998 and we shot CAS at least once a month, twice a month most of the time, for the next 25 years including 20 Florida State matches and a few regionals. When health reasons forced my Dad to stop shooting CAS, it took a lot of the reason for going out of going. Still went for a while, but it just wasn't the same. It wasn't that I didn't like the people in CAS, I like most of the people and a few of them are lifetime friends now. Along with the "Dad" factor, I just wasn't having fun anymore, it was more like work. Between the ridiculously close targets (ok every once in a while but not every damn match), repetitive/boring scenarios, heat/humidity, my own health problems and limited funds...it is time to cut back substantially. I gotta say that I don't miss getting up at 5:00 am, getting ready and leaving at 6:00 am so I can spend the entire day and a tank of gas to shoot for 120 seconds at all...not at all. I still have all of the equipment...for now. I can see a day when I need the cash more than I need the equipment in the not too far distant future. I'm still debating whether being able to sell in the Classifieds is worth the yearly membership fee but I'm leaning toward dropping the membership also. Marshal, you'll know when the time comes.
  2. I basically had the same thing happen to me when I found a wallet in a store parking lot while at work. There wasn't any money or CC cards in it (this was before everyone had CC cards), just a Fl drivers license, some paperwork, a few business card and a picture of a little girl. On the back of one of the business cards was a phone number with MOM written above it. I called the number when I got home from work, it really was the guys mom. I told her that I'd found her son's wallet (actually son in law) and she gave his number in New Port Richey which was about 30 miles away from where I lived at the time. I called him up and started to talk to him about his wallet. He stopped me, accused me of stealing his wallet, at a bar somewhere, over the previous weekend. I tried to be nice about it and do the right thing but he was ranting, raving and threatening me while cussing at the same time. I told him, in no uncertain terms "I didn't steal your f*****g wallet you dumb m**********r, I trying to return it after finding it. Now I'm gonna throw it in the trash...you can go **** yourself." Then I threw in in the kitchen garbage can. I felt a little bad because of the picture of the little girl...but not that bad. As far as the phone goes, turning it into AT&T sounds like the best option.
  3. We played both versions when we were kids. I don't remember what we called it.
  4. Boy oh Boy...there's been a few people that I've WANTED to do that to, but I always asked myself, "Why carry a slap to a fistfight?" Kind of a Tuco thing. FWIW, those were MUCH, MUCH younger days when I was more tempestuous.
  5. While I'm sure that you have a certain "aura" around you, you don't glow in the dark...at least not in the pictures I've seen of you.
  6. The old, wood Tinker Toys. I loved those sticks and wheels when I was a kid. Always hated it when the stick ends broke off in the wheel. The purple ones always seemed to break the most.
  7. I generally won't watch anything with subtitles. Between the mumbling, the English and the background music (I wish it was in the background), it's almost impossible to enjoy a movie or show these days. I did thoroughly enjoy the Narcos series even with the subtitles though, but that was years ago now.
  8. That's exactly why I mute the volume on baseball games and auto racing.
  9. You read some weird ****. Sliced bananas, sliced cheddar cheese, Miracle Whip on bread...now that's some good stuff.
  10. Have to watch that. Could be a real bill from an account that some scammer/ID thief opened in your name and used your address for billing.
  11. You're missing Richard Pryor, Gallagher and Red Foxx, just to name a few.
  12. If you want to see a 'Freak Show' for free, go to Walmart.
  13. I saw a bald eagle perched just like that, by the time I turned around to get a pic, he'd flown off.
  14. That makes two of us. TB is some nasty, dirty stuff. In keeping with the bench thread though, it looks great on a bench...folks think you're rich and all. I'm with the double the top, bolt it to the wall and get rid of the filing cabinets crowd also.
  15. Dang braggart. One bottle of Trail Boss and THREE bottles of Clays! Oh yeah...nice bench.
  16. Anytime I went fishing just to drink, the fish wouldn't leave me alone. Conversely, any time I went to fish, the beer wouldn't leave me alone.
  17. Yes I read your post....mis-read it completely. I apologize Tell. And I HATE any "woke" agenda.
  18. If I had to guess, both of them are secretly breathing a sigh of relief that they don't have to return in the Boeing.
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