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Everything posted by Alpo

  1. My brothers and I went quail hunting one time. And we came home that day with an 8-point buck in the trunk of that Pontiac. Nothing sticking out. 73 Catalina. Had a big trunk.
  2. I didn't see any fried mushrooms in that picture. That's part of a traditional "full English breakfast". I think you got everything else there. Do y'all do mushrooms for breakfast?
  3. I've heard of a lot of people that put ketchup on their eggs. Mostly scrambled eggs, not fried, but they put ketchup on their eggs. So that's not - TOO - off-putting. But fried tomatoes for breakfast? I knew that was an English thing so I guess it shouldn't surprise me it's an Aussie thing, but it's a nasty thing. You have a nice ripe red juicy tomato and you slice it. Then you put it on the plate and cut it up with the fork and eat it. Fried tomatoes. Disgusting.
  4. That's cheating. Back in the good old days, when a woman had a baby, she generally would stay in the hospital for a few days. I was nursed for 4 days. Then we went home. My year and a half old brother would not allow her to do it - he had a bottle while I got the breast? no no no no, so I was put on the bottle at 4 days old. I know this because I remember my mother telling me this, when I was in high school or college. I remember her telling me. I don't remember it happening. I was started on solid food when I was 6 days old. Rice cereal. I know this. I read it in my baby book when I was in college. I don't remember it from when I was 6 days old. Looking it up, or researching it is not the same as remembering it.
  5. There was an episode of Married With Children. Al was attempting to get on this sports trivia TV show, could win $20,000. But they picked Kelly because pretty blonde teenage girl beat the hell out of ornery old shoe salesman. So Al spends the next two days teaching her all the sports trivia he knows. And she gets to a part and says, "Stop. My brain is full. For me to learn anything else I will have to forget something." Then Bud tells her something - it's raining or it's time to go or she forgot to put her shoes on. Something. And when they get to the show she is winning. She is getting all the answers right. And then we come to the final question. The one for all the money. What Polk High quarterback scored four touchdowns in one game? Well that was Al. That was his claim to fame. He talks about that all the time. This is a lead pipe cinch. Except - when Bud told her that one thing. Some new knowledge so something had to leave her memory to make room for it. It was the memory that Al scored those four touchdowns. I think there's a lot of truth to that. Did your brain can only hold so much memory. And as you get older, it gets full. That's why I can remember things that happened in the first grade, but I can't remember what I had for dinner Thursday. There's no room for that Thursday night dinner memory. Storage is full.
  6. I stopped at a minute 22, because really I don't like him. But I am curious. How did he get a gun made in 1872, chambered in 44/40, which did not come into existence until the Winchester 73 rifle? Them nice people at Colt reading Winchester's mind?
  7. How long do you suppose it took before someone noticed that KRISPY was spelled wrong?
  8. I can go you one better. Season 2, episode 17. Bomber piloted by a brigadier general is shot down, and the heroes kidnap a field Marshal to trade him for the general. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0602411/
  9. Regional. My wife said chimbley, which she learned from her father and her mother. They came from Indiana (can't even blame otto on this one. They came from the town of Indiana Pennsylvania). They would also red off the table, instead of clear it. My daughter still says that because that's what her mother said. Me - I eat punkin pie, not pumpkin, and I will eat a sammich, not a sandwich. Also regional.
  10. The front sight is built into the barrel band on that isn't it? I was thinking get a taller front sight but it's hard to do that when it's not replaceable.
  11. I've read books based on real prison camps. And many of them have British Wing commanders. Apparently they were flying and got shot down. But according to the internet a British Wing Commander is equivalent to an American lieutenant colonel. So again, not a full bird.
  12. Tin foil hasn't been made of tin for decades. Made of aluminum. Still tin foil. Probably always will be.
  13. Did you cut the notch in the sight blade deeper or did you cut the steps in the elevator lower? I be curious.
  14. Very good question, Captain. I agree that it is worthy of me.
  15. For people like me that were curious, here is what those disease names mean. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/67247/15-historic-diseases-competed-bubonic-plague The seventh one on the list - chrisomes - is what got me looking. A chrisome is the cloth that is put on a kid's head when he's being baptized. You baptized them when they were about a month old. Infant mortality was very high. And when the baby died at around the month old - about the time that he should have been baptized - they called that chrisomes. Abortive was not what I thought. It wasn't referring to somebody in the back alley with a peeled slippery elm stick. It was their term for a miscarriage.
  16. I don't know if this will work but I hope it does. https://imgur.com/gallery/yiRzCg7 Added: got a couple of likes, so I guess it worked
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