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Trigger Mike

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Everything posted by Trigger Mike

  1. They do want them all. A while back the current vice president was very coherent in detailing how they wanted to ban all cartridge guns including those made prior to 1898 .
  2. He only had 4 according to the pics the show showed .
  3. My wife is watching a crime show about a guy who was taking a shower and heard a gunshot and found his wife murdered and so the cops asked him to write down all the guns in his house so they can see if any are missing and she let out a loud laugh .
  4. Georgia arms puts out a cowboy load in 38 special , are you familiar with their ammo and how well 38 special will work in these revolvers ?
  5. I really like congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green. She ran for office holding an AR15.
  6. I just lay there and ask her what does she want for breakfast until she wakes up
  7. Since we as a nation did not declare our independence until 1776 and not have a constitution until 1789 , and before then Britain and France ruled parts of our current territory, that make 85 years more accurate. Also see the Gettysburg address.
  8. I've actually done that. Santa comes dressed during the day of Christmas eve as well as again in secret that night and sits my children in his lap and gives them a present and leaves me a present. Sometimes he leaves a screw driver or wrench or a glock and then kisses my wife before leaving before I get back home
  9. Can she make me a sandwich and fold clothes?
  10. My wife wants to know if you are married. I love what you had to say myself, as I just told her Monday when she was nagging about the bushes and etc that complaining too often makes.people not listen
  11. Once in Florida at the beach during the florida gator, Uga game weekend a 70+ year old man who could barely move was trying to get in his dodge ram pickup with only a ga bulldog red with black tiger stripes tight speedo. That was 15 years ago and am still traumatized.
  12. I just did this to my wife. She was sitting quietly by me in her recliner on her computer and she jumped a couple of inches out of the chair and turned to look at me and screamed aaahhhhhh. I'm over here rolling with laughter
  13. i have seen foxes before and coyote poop and once a bobcat and once a black panther. the poor male duck keeps calling for her. my 3 dogs must have been out exploring to not have noticed
  14. each day i look to see how my 2 ducks made it through the night. this morning in the midst of the fog I saw both of them. Male and female. An hour ago i looked out again and saw only one and can hear him quacking over and over. usually they are mostly quiet except for chatter among. they are so close to each other that often it looks like one duck is in the pond until they turn and then you can see 2. while ago i saw a trail of white feathers leading into the woods on 2 different cuts in the grass which makes me wonder if it was 2 predators. i have not found any bones as of yet so it must have eaten it or carried it off. when my dogs used to attack my ducks they always hurt them and then left them to die so i figure it was not them especially since they have stopped doing that.
  15. as often happens to the Falcons they fold and every other time the following year they would fight for last place. wonder how it will be next year.
  16. took a shotgun course once and they demonstrated why the pistol grip is not practical. even at close range a miss is likely, verses actually aiming the shotgun with a shoulder stock and hold. having said that there are a lot of people who have not been trained in the use of a shotgun and the accuracy it can achieve that will buy it
  17. My toy store says they are out of stock at the distributer so does anyone have a used 938 in 22LR?
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