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Randy Saint Eagle, SASS # 64903

Territorial Governors
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Everything posted by Randy Saint Eagle, SASS # 64903

  1. Thanks John, I got 1000 once fired .38 specials from Mojo Precision and they were as expected for range brass. They were dirty but I only found 1 split case, 2 .40 cal. and 1, 9mm so I’m happy. I just put them in the tumbler so I’ll try to post a picture in later. Randy
  2. Wartrace Regulators Jan. 4 match is cancelled due to weather. Here's the email I got from Whiskey Hayes. Cowgirls and Cowboys The Jan 4th match this Saturday is cancelled due to the weather. We'll try again on the 18th. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE Whiskey
  3. When I was dry tumbling I saved used dryer sheets. I would put 4 or 5 in with the brass, it kept the dust down and seemed to help the shine also. Randy
  4. Putting these tires on the new ones now. https://www.amazon.com/Oregon-72-072-Wheel-12-175/dp/B001SCRS3G/ref=asc_df_B001SCRS3G?mcid=a2044bf9e498384fa9e1ee674d6c52e9&hvocijid=16689237230132816962-B001SCRS3G-&hvexpln=73&tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=692875362841&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16689237230132816962&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9013165&hvtargid=pla-2281435179578&psc=1 Randy
  5. Just an FYI, new ones now are $425.🤠 Randy
  6. I can't remember our clubs policy but I think 16 and under shoot free at monthly matches. At our State Match they shoot for $80 instead of $140. $55 of that is our Friday Night Dinner and Saturday Night Awards Banquet. Randy
  7. A friend told me years ago his biggest fear is when he died that his wife would sell all his guns for what he told her he paid for them! Randy
  8. Well the hook is fully set! Enjoy the fun, I’ll celebrate my 24th year in February.🤠 Randy
  9. I got this email today fro Whiskey Hayes. It is with a sad and heavy heart I share this news. Cody Kid also known as Ronald S. Ligon passed away on Saturday Dec 28th. Cody and Buxum Boo are longtime Wartrace Regulator members. Due to health reasons they haven't been able to shoot with us recently but they both love the Wartrace Regulators and Cowboy Action Shooting. Very few people realize the contributions Cody and Buxum have made over the years to help build our Wartrace Regulator Club. Visitation is Thursday Jan 2nd from 11 to 2 funeral services will follow. Williamson Memorial Funeral Home is handling the arrangements. Funeral home address is 3009 Columbia Avenue Franklin, TN. Whiskey
  10. I haven’t lost a spring yet but when/ if I do I’ll try one cut down from a ball point pen.🤠 Randy
  11. I didn’t ask but the website implied they were only available at selected stores? Thanks Randy
  12. Yes, only when I want to clean the extractor and firing pin channel Randy
  13. With time, patience, a Dremel tool, a small sanding drum and a Cratex wheel you can make it easier to load. I removed the extractor before I started and stayed away from the shelf that shell rim sits on. Randy
  14. Years ago a friend with a gunshop (now deceased) helped me correct an old Stoeger with a choke reamer from Brownells. It worked perfect, you just had to be slow and deliberate. Randy
  15. I’ve removed mine if I needed to take the bolt out. Randy
  16. Years ago I worked up a 30-30 load for my now ex brother in law. It was shot in an old angle eject Winchester’94 using a spire point bullet. Yes they were single loaded and not put in the mag tube, for obvious Safety reasons. They were also stretched long enough they would not have fed from the magazine anyway. I can’t remember the powder charge I used but I got the best groups, well under an inch at 100 yards, with Winchester 748 powder. Randy
  17. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!🤠 Randy
  18. That’s the reason I bought the box with 50 of them, at least 1 is bound to turn up before I use all 50!😂🤠 Randy
  19. I also use the FA pods in my FA rotary tumbler, I’ve always run 2 hours, it’s what I tried first and it worked so I’ve never tried anything else. Brass looks like new when it comes out. Randy
  20. I think this is the set I got, some of the larger ones would be fun with a slingshot!🤠 Randy https://www.amazon.com/QCQIANG-Stainless-Precision-Bearing-Assortment/dp/B09H6LXL9Y/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=1HZZ7D390KDYJ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ObJiBgrGZ7khgpMa4jIgBm1HpouwoT-c7DBfYEj7BcO1zgowMYjDV0IaRjAGoMM6MT6OB3i0fCkM0w7KS-r_BHAWaXfflR9RrXI3i430lgD5b3O49giKLaP-RS7dspRRkfsXbFc85NQgD4u4Yf842W3jVoiLCnn-Ls8gq_PkmJJ3e2J4-6O8zT_r4qEc9bhR4Cu3Dy-XtC8DRso76Dm5s08YXnggJVLY1PBrF-CD6S7rChPsYuMYezhFuqwqULVHSynucY0_aLhk_mkmteUNIYVG9wv8XNcg0tWnlRrohTg.cMLlVc1PE2AnZwZJ8KB8ccx9_trMUfgoLS_RxyENitc&dib_tag=se&keywords=3.5mm+stainless+steel+balls&qid=1735062297&sprefix=3.5mm+stainless+steel+balls%2Caps%2C121&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
  21. 3.5 mm works really well, I ordered a set of assorted stainless steel balls from Amazon to see what size it was, the set had about 50 of the right size in it so I’m good for a while. Merry Christmas!🤠 Randy
  22. Eyesa beat me to it. Randy
  23. Sportsman’s Warehouse still has a few of these in stores scattered across the country. I would probably buy another but the closest one to me is 200 miles. Randy https://www.sportsmans.com/shooting-gear-gun-supplies/shotguns/stoeger-coach-12-gauge-3in-matte-black-side-by-side-shotgun-20in/p/1906621 You can click on check nearby stores to find who has them.
  24. Another Merry Christmas from Middle Tennessee!🎄🤠 Randy
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