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Subdeacon Joe

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Everything posted by Subdeacon Joe

  1. Ah! Thank you. In other words, a few talking heads were talking about Swift the way other talking heads talk about the few conservative entertainers .
  2. Sausage and curing https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/58495/pg58495-images.html
  3. Your songs are about your former boyfriends?
  4. Unlike good country songs about your wife running off with your truck, or your dog and cow running off together, or your bass boat getting hit by a big old train.
  5. Pork Cookbook, 1900 https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/32414/pg32414-images.html
  6. Thanks. A quick Google search yielded up nothing but leftist commentary obsessing over how conservatives are obsessing over past comments by Swift.
  7. I was referring to the "Joker Face" comment. But, no, typical American Diet. Or, American Catholic Diet before the general prohibition of meat on Fridays was dropped. Take any later 1940s or 1950s cookbook and look at "Weekly Menu Plans" and that's pretty much what they ate.
  8. The last week or so I've been seeing on various social platforms memes on the line of "This Taylor Swift Meme Will Make MAGA Heads Explode." Which conservative made what stupid comment about Taylor Swift that the leftists meme-masters latched onto? By the Rood! Sometimes I think high profile conservatives are some of the stupidest, or at least socially inept, people on the face of the earth! They should know that the press will parse every syllable uttered by them and distort it.
  9. Knew some of them most of my like (friends of my parents) and none of them had any plastic surgery. A couple now that I've known for 20+ years. No surgery.
  10. Maybe find some place on it where you can get a good measurement on the length of the firing pin. Take the hammer out and take it to a welding shop. It might not cost that much to get one bead put on that you can take down with a file. But, thinking about it, a 0.006" shim (roughly half the difference) might be the way to go. Use leather punches to cut it from a feeler gauge.
  11. I'm reading that as having the firing pin integral with the hammer. It could still be that the firing pin has worn just a bit.
  12. I've noticed that many older women get those characteristics even without plastic surgery.
  13. I like his segment about the actors - some of the other movies that they've been in, maybe a bit of biography on them. The movies are usually a hoot.
  14. After USS White Sands was decommissioned in 1974, it was bought by a company that needed to move the ship with an 81' beam through the 80' wide Ballard Locks. It was done by weighting down one side of the ship and then transiting the locks while tilted 38 degrees. #FunFactFriday
  15. As high as vehicle registration etc is in CA, it would have more than triples moving to KY. Property tax in KY average rate is about 0.80% compared to CA rate of 0.71%. In general rates for water and utilities are also higher.
  16. This "expands" nothing! It RESTORES constitutionally protected civil rights. We need to stop using the same distorted wording that the anti-civil rights advocates use.
  17. When I was maybe 10 or 11 I tried using epoxy to glue the fins onto a model rocket. I found out that epoxy does soften with heat.
  18. We were almost ready to do just that. Unfortunately last fall our finances took a big hit so it's no longer economically feasible this year.
  19. IF all California gun owners got off their butts and voted only pro-Second Amendment civil rights it wouldn't be an issue (also if they got off their butts and emailed our members of the Legislature a couple of times a month to protest the anti-civil rights bills), but most would rather whine about the laws in the LGS, at the range, or online rather than vote or contact their representatives. Or they think other issues are more important.
  20. That's why you put avocado on a BLT. That it's right tasty is a bonus.
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