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Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

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Everything posted by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

  1. So THAT'S what all that thumping and banging was about! GEEZZ Blackwater, it registered here on the seismograph as a 5.3 ! Stay sitting down dag nab it! AND STAY OFF THE LAWN !
  2. When you're there on a military exchange....
  3. It's Friday! (Here in North America anyway)
  4. A Canadair CL-84 Dynavert landing on USS GUAM on a test flight in 1973
  5. Party lines. Wooden wall mounted phones. 2 Ring 3 and everyone on the line knew "That's So and So's ring! Their daughter is being sparked by that fellow on Route 4. Let's listen in!"
  6. So, now the Pard formerly known as Eyesa Horg will be known as Super Snowy Canadian Bacon, on this thread at least! Meanwhile, I have become: Pleasant and Polite Hockey Player.
  7. I think I already may have mentioned excessive alcohol may have been involved. In our case, alcohol WAS involved!
  8. Excessive alcohol may have been involved.
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