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Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

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Everything posted by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

  1. No sarcasm intended, but how did they work? FYI, our temperatures are much below freezing and the butane BBQ and BIC type lighters won't ignite. Have to use good old fashioned wood and sulfur matches to start the wood stove and get the kindling going and to start the propane heaters in the shooting shacks. .
  2. My ALPO type moment: Be aware that freezing temperatures affect the flammability and ability to light of butane lighters. At least they don't work in our clubhouse in winter.
  3. Happy Birthday Pard! Many Happy Returns! And Remember:
  4. YES. The Canadian Prime Minister has done it a number of times!
  5. 45C would have me on life support unless I was in the A/C! -40C etc, we just dress for it and go out and play. Snowmobiling, I've winter camped in the bush at those temperatures with a good down filled sleeping bag and Polar Fleece liner. (When I was a lot younger and not as smart!)
  6. Try -30 C for a few weeks at a time, with the occasional dip to -40 (But it's a dry cold!) We're currently getting highs of +30; down as low as 15 at night.
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