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Forty Rod SASS 3935

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Everything posted by Forty Rod SASS 3935

  1. I also had some I wore, like a picture of a Disney dwarf: "Does this shirt make me look Grumpy?" "I don't want to shoot anyone today. Doesn't mean I won't." "If you don't want to put up with my rudeness and attitude, don't talk to me."
  2. I got this from my daughter for my birthday back in March I don't usually wear tee shirts with stuff written on them but this one....this one I take out every week ot two.
  3. Just some ignorant jackass disrespecting our flag.
  4. Got enough of that in college, so I have to agree with you.
  5. As a matter of fact.... have no idea! I never saw anyplace like that in my many years in Japan, but then again, I wasn't looking.
  6. Freda A. Goodholm Vera Sharpe Tanya Hyde Bonny Lassie Marian Samm Cookie Cutter Eilene Wayover N. Casey Needzit
  7. A lot of people are very "smart" in a very limited sphere of subjects...and dumber than a box of rocks in most others. There are many exceptions, but not enough to make it common place.
  8. i've known people who might have driven in face first. College psychology professor and one of the founders of MENSA for instance
  9. Looks justified to me. Give 'em hell, cat.
  10. Dolphins and porpoises are great fun, but I like Beluga whales better. They always look so happy.
  11. Makes me wish I had a two story house. Hey! I could do that on my front porch and my sun deck. (Wonder where I could get a few old scatter guns for a few bucks.)
  12. Sawyer Owenwood Les Likely II. Moore Likely Knott Nick L. O'deann Honey Combs
  13. Careful. You're getting close to a copyright infringement there.
  14. Shouldn't that read "Wandering about aimlessly"? Some of my best memories came from WANDERING about aimlessly.
  15. I have never in my entire life been lost. I was pretty well confused once for 141 days.
  16. Some were taken out. They were deliberate but never would have passed muster
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