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Stevens Model 235, SxS, hammers - two triggers: Light strikes on right barrel (front trigger), but only if the left hammer isn't cocked.

"Big Boston"

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A fellow cowboy asked me to look at his gun, complaining that sometimes it won't fire the second barrel. I took it apart, and saw several issues, so I addressed them first. I had to remove the triggers and reform the bottom tang to get full travel on the rear trigger. I got it working smoothly. BTW, not the first monkey to fly this spaceship, lots of brazing, glued together stock, dirt and bent stuff. The one firing pin was home made so I swapped left and right. I took it out for a test fire and bang - bang, load again and bang - bang. Problem solved, or so I thought. 


Called my friend to come pick up his gun. We go to test it and bang - click, XXX. So I take two shells, bang - bang. I give it back to him, bang - click. Then I notice he fires the rear trigger first, but to my way of thinking that shouldn't matter. So I cock the left hammer after several clicks and then the right barrel fires. So if the left barrel is not cocked, the right barrel will not fire. 


I was at a loss, so I suggested he fire the front trigger first. We shot off the rest of the box of ammo, no issue. 


I gave him the gun. Before I take it apart again, I'd like to figure out how this could be. The hammer falls, but the primer is barely marked, a very light strike. AFAIK there is no connection between the two sides. Seperate hammers, triggers, sears and the only thing common is the shaft that the hammers sit on. This one may be above my pay grade. This is the first 235 I've taken apart, and the first SxS I've been inside for anything other than disabling the auto safety. 


Any theories? I'm pretty sure this is not normal.



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On 8/30/2024 at 7:57 PM, Dacotua said:

There maybe a bent shaft or burr on the shaft/hammer. When you pull back both hammers it binds slightly causing light strikes 


Thanks, sorry for the late reply, the notification ended up in my spam folder. 


You may be on to something, you swapped the scenario, unless the left hammer is pulled the right hammer light strikes, but a burr or bend could cause that. The hammers have been worked on, both are held in with farmer screws, one is a Roberts head, a dead giveaway that something has been Bubba'd. 



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Howdy Big<


I know nothing about that stevens shotgun, but it might be that the main spring on the left hammer is slightly out of position and affecting the right hammer drop when not cocked. Just a wild assed guess. A close look inside should reveal the problem. If I remember the hammers are on the receiver not separate side plates. If it does have side plates that should make diagnosis easier. Good luck.


Rev Chase

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